What to learn more about the Pillar❓ Check out this website 👉🏻ec.europa.eu/social-rights and keep an eye on this thread 👇🏻

"Everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning (...)" 👉🏻 europa.eu/!Rc63QY

"Equality of treatment and opportunities between women and men must be ensured and fostered in all areas (...). Women and men have the right to equal pay for work of equal value."

"Regardless of gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, everyone has the right to equal treatment and opportunities (...). "
👉🏻 europa.eu/!Rc63QY

"Everyone has the right to timely and tailor-made assistance to improve employment or self-employment prospects. (...) People unemployed have the right to personalised, continuous & consistent support."

"Regardless of the type and duration of the employment relationship, workers have the right to fair and equal treatment regarding working conditions, access to social protection and training."

"Workers have the right to fair wages that provide for a decent standard of living. Adequate minimum wages shall be ensured. (...) In-work poverty shall be prevented".
ℹ️ europa.eu/!Rc63QY

"Workers have the right to be informed in writing at the start of employment about their rights and obligations".
ℹ️ europa.eu/!Rc63QY

ℹ️ 👉 europa.eu/!Rc63QY #EUSocDia

"Parents and people with caring responsibilities have the right to suitable leave, flexible working arrangements and access to care services. Women and men shall have equal access to special leaves (...)".

“Workers have the right to a high level of protection of their health and safety at work. (…)”. #EUhealthyworkplaces

“Children have the right to affordable early childhood education and care of good quality. Children have the right to protection from poverty.”
👉🏻 europa.eu/!Rc63QY

"Regardless of the type and duration of their employment relationship, workers, and, under comparable conditions, the self-employed, have the right to adequate social protection."

This is principle 13 of the European Pillar of #SocialRights ↓

"Everyone lacking sufficient resources has the right to adequate minimum income benefits ensuring a life in dignity at all stages of life, and effective access to enabling goods and services [...]"