So anyways, this dude was straight up insufferable right out of the gate. He 1/
So one day he's in front of my judge on a probation revocation hearing. Now my judge rarely revokes probation. 2/
Long story short, his guy had been on probation for a few years and 3/
But my judge, who we'll call Judge McNiceGuy, was never going to revoke for that given how well he'd done otherwise. 4/
Madness ensued, paraphrase 5/
Judge: "Well, hold on, marijuana is still illegal in Kentucky, isn't it?"
Asshole: "Marijuana has been recognized by states all over the United States as harmless, and 6/
Judge: "Yeah, I get that - but it's illegal here."
Asshole: "This court should recognize that a person should never be haled into court for marijuana possession."
Judge: "...........Are you asking me to legalize marijuana?" 7/
Judge: "Marijuana is illegal here."
Asshole: "In many states it is not."
Judge: "...........Where do you think you are right now?"
Asshole: "The United States." 8/
Asshole: "Kentucky"
Judge: "Marijuana is illegal in Kentucky."
Asshole: "But no one should be arrested for possessing marijuana."
By this time I had decided to go into the courtroom and get a front row seat. Judge McNiceGuy 9/
Judge "Listen, I don't know what you're doing right now. I can't just declare marijuana legal by fiat."
Asshole: "You don't have to. You can 10
Judge: " I having a nightmare? I swear to god I think I'm actually in a nightmare right now. It's like I'm in bizzarro world right now. Are you trying to give me a riddle, or something? " 11/
Judge: "No, you're done. We're done. Mr. (X) gets to stay on probation, despite the best efforts of his attorney to get me to revoke it."
He was so mad he went into chambers and immediately dialed up the PD's office to speak to the head. 12/