No rational person wants the Pope to answer every salacious allegation laid against him.......1/
He alleges that sanctions (written or verbal) were imposed on McCarrick long ago (2008 or 2009) for inappropriate, sexual relations with his own seminarians....2/
If true, the lack of enforcement of these sanctions endangered more children,.3/
If true, that is not “zero tolerance”.
The question many of us priests have for Pope Francis is very simple: were any sanctions (written or verbal), ever placed on Cardinal McCarrick by the Vatican, and who knew...4/
For most of us, this has nothing to do with an anti-Francis ideology. We are so grateful to him for what he has taught us about God’s love, mercy, and care for the poor. He has reminded us in word and deed that simplicity and humility..5/
We just want to be able to follow his lead with confidence, and to spread the Gospel to the peripheries with courage, as he has invited us to do. 6/...