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Legacy Property Management and Johnson Creek Village

On 4/20/2023 Phillip Western and I were thrown out of our home in 72 hours because we refused to commit fraud for Legacy Property Management and the owners of Johnson Creek Village. A gray apartment building w...
We received no notice, Phill had never received a written warning for work, they refused to tell us why we were thrown aside. We asked if we could continue living in our home if we paid rent, and they refused with a laugh. It was a retaliatory firing and eviction. A door post from Legacy Pro...
We moved into a quaint old building called "The Albert" in November of 2021. Vintage and cute we had a lot of hope for the future, our move in costs paid by DV grants. Despite being advertised as having heat, the day we went to sign the move in papers,
Read 42 tweets
Mar. 1:
1/ ♦️Large #Earthquke #Activity #Predicted

#Dutch seismologist, #FrankHougerbits, who predicted the #Earthquake in #Turkey & #Syria,🔸#Warned of a large-scale #Earthquake that could occur in Mar. 2023.🔸..continued

#Earthquake #Quake #Seismic…
Mar. 1:
2/ ♦️Large #Earthquke #Activity #Predicted

A report released by the #SSGEOS (#SolarSystemGeometrySurvey) scientific institute, where #Hougerbits works, says the approach of the #Planets on Mar. 2 & 5 can..continued

#Earthquake #Quake #Seismic…
Mar. 1:
3/ ♦️Large #Earthquke #Activity #Predicted

..can lead to 🔸very large #Seismic #Activity in the period from Mar. 3 to 7.🔸

So, according to scientists, #Tremors are likely in 12 points of the #Planet ..continued

#Earthquake #Quake #Seismic…
Read 13 tweets
Very happy to see our #UNLOADECMO trial started in 12/22 with 4 patients already included.
#MCS therapy in cardiogenic shock still very challenging.
#ECLS-SHOCK (#ECMO)and #DanGer-Shock (#Impella) running already and will be finished soon.

What are we investigating?🧵1/6 below:
🧵2/6 @BenediktSchrage showed earlier that "LV Unloading Is Associated With Lower Mortality in Patients With CS Treated With VA-ECMO"…

Large study (686 patients), but obviously not prospective and randomized. But that's needed in CS (and everywhere)
🧵3/6 Others @benhibbertMDPhD showed this as well in a meta-analysis @jaccjournals…
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Cultic Behavior Checklist☑️

#culture #CULT #DANGER #Wisdom
1. They draw you in. They tell you what they claim is inside info to make you feel trusted. You’ll get loads of compliments and immediate attention. You will feel deeply appreciated and/or honored.
2. Your boundaries will be tested. Small comments made. Micro aggressions. Contacting you at random times. Taking liberties when speaking about you, as if they know you personally, creating their own image of their relationship to you.
Read 8 tweets
Sur le #glyphosate, la divergence entre le #CIRC et les agences réglementaires ne s'explique ni par une différence du type d'évaluation #danger/#risque, ni par la prise en compte de la substance active seule ou avec les coformulants.
C'est la conclusion d'un colloque.

Ce colloque a rassemblé une centaine de chercheurs, chercheuses et spécialistes de politiques publiques en 2021.

Un compte-rendu des échanges et présentations est accessible en ligne :…
Et un article scientifique publié :…

Ce colloque a été organisé notamment à l'initiative de David Gee, un des éditeurs des indispensables rapports de l'agence européenne de l'environnement : Late Lessons from Early Warnings (…)

Read 17 tweets
Pour la 1ere fois depuis 996 jours de symptômes continus dûs à mon pote #sarscov2 j'ai réussi :
🔹à participer à un atelier d'#artfloral (petit comité donc pas de bruit intempestif et possibilité de travailler assise là où toutes les autres dames, plus âgées, étaient elles
🔹j'ai invité un ami de très longue date à un dîner régressif (crêpes et gaufres) et nous avons passé une excellente soirée tous les 4
Avoir entendu les avertissements des patients #encéphalomyélitemyalgique sur le fait qu'il est bien plus aisé de tomber dans un état
plus sévères de la maladie m'a nécessairement (par rapport à qui je suis et mes modes de fonctionnement) permis
🔹d'apprendre à écouter tous les signaux d'alerte de mon corps pour piloter le #pacing sans pour autant faire une fixation (qu'aujourd'hui je juge malsaine mais qui les
Read 19 tweets
⛴️ Avez-vous entendu parler de grand carénage ?
Ce n’est n’y une religion, ni un credo politique, ni une ligne de budget qu’on pourrait réattribuer pour faire autre chose, mais alors qu’est donc ?🧶

#thread #sécurité #grandcarenage #aviation #nucleaire
Les #bateaux trop immobiles hébergent vite sur leur coque immergée un #écosystème mêlant #algues et #coquillages dont la masse n’a d’égale que le temps resté au port. Cette coque rendue rugueuse n’est pas l’idéal pour se mouvoir dans l’eau, le poids ajouté non-plus

Aussi périodiquement, on sort le bateau de l’eau et on nettoie la carène (surface extérieure de la coque). C’est ca le #carénage.

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Lors du #climatocertain de ce soir, on a vite fait parlé de l'#UNSCEAR qui selon @JMJancovici serait au #nucléaire ce que le #GIEC est au #changementclimatique.
En effet, tout comme le GIEC, l’United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation #UNSCEAR (ou Comité scientifique des Nations unies pour l'étude des effets des rayonnements ionisants) a été créé par l’#ONU, mais bien avant, en 1955
➡️… Image
L’#USCEAR rédige aussi plein de rapport, compile plein de d’étude scientifique sur le #nucléaire quelque soit son utilité : #Energie, #Médical, #Militaire, …
➡️ Image
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#covidlong #désespoir ⚠️ #danger
Quand des gens qui n'y entravent que pouic comme Tatiana Ventôse mettent en avant des traitements miraculeux pour eux j'ai beaucoup de mal.
Alors a fortiori quand il s'agit de personnes dont la profession peut constituer un biais d'autorité ⤵️
Et la petite mention 'Tweets no médicales advices' tellement en opposition avec la TL n'est qu'un parapluie ouvert justement pour se protéger de toute mise en évidence des dangers de tels publications.
Voilà aussi @Sante_Gouv @FrcsBraun @MartinotPauline @gouvernementFR
et @Elisabeth_Borne @Seb_Delescluse @olivierveran (#quisait) @Elysee @EmmanuelMacron ce que vos choix induisent ...
Des "Charles Attend" + ou - bien intentionnés surfent sur le désespoir des patients qui ne parviennent pas accepter leur maladie chronique et le fait qu'il
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1/🧵 Beauty in the Now…

While normally Greg doesn’t #worry, in this case, he succumbed to fear of change.

He was screaming and Crying in Fear - see tweet below.

How did he get through it?
What did he teach me?

#NothingDownAboutIt #DownRightPerfect #UpSyndrome #Tribe321
2/ Greg held his head in his hands and trembled with worry.

We were disrupting his usual Saturday of watching “I Love Lucy.”

Think Rain Man type of dependence on routine &
that’s Greg.

So when Kim and I took him to the mountains, it totally messed him up.

What happened?

3/ At first Greg got angry with us for taking him on this trip.

I mean, REALLY angry.

And we know that #ANGER is just one letter away from #DANGER.

He was heading in a dangerous path of rejecting something that could be healing & good in his life.

#TheLuckyFew #FindYourTribe
Read 7 tweets
Therapist Tip for your #mentalhealth: How to spot a #narcissist We are in a #narcisstic #psychopathic and #sociopathic epidemic. Look for these 🚩🚩1. Mirroring your interests 🚩 2. Love Bombing you at first. Feels like bliss 🚩3. Early obsession. Go too fast in any relationship
Fall in love with you in first week(s). 🚩4. Feels too good to be true 🚩5. They are idealising you & you can do no wrong. You are perfect for them. This is the 'honeymoon' period 🚩6. Them comes drama out of the blue 🚩 7. They come from a position of "how am I?" #psychology
Wanting others attention 🚩They do not care about how you are or how your day was. Do they ever ask you how you are, how was your day, say "that sounds like a tough day for you", show genuine empathy) Watch for 'false' empathy. Does the conversation always go back to them? #narcs
Read 25 tweets
✨The Ryan Eggold & Freema Agyeman (aka Goldman aka the Co-captains of the #Sharpwin ship) Thread✨
Pictures from the first table read (of the Pilot) and first cast dinner. #AndSoItBegins

🗓️ March 7 and March 8, 2018 ImageImageImageImage
Ryan recalling the day he met Freema for the first time. #StruckByHer

🗓️ Interview from September 2018 Image
Read 315 tweets
"The greatest danger for the United States in this competition is the erosion of conventional deterrence..Absent a convincing deterrent, the [PRC] will be emboldened to take action to undermine the rules-based international order"…
ADM Davidson:

"In September 2020, #Cambodia razed a #US-built facility on #Ream Naval Base that served as the headquarters for the National Committee on Maritime Security, reportedly in order to make way for a #PRC #naval #base."…
Read 15 tweets
@Twitter suspended @LiMengYAN119 after she made 3 twits only. Why, @jack?

One of @LiMengYAN119’s three twits links to her paper that she likes the world to know/read. Let’s keep spreading it. 1/2

#CCPvirus #WuhanVirus #CoronaVirus #COVID19 ImageImage
Let’s keep spreading it. 2/2

Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route

#CCPvirus #WuhanVirus #CoronaVirus #COVID19 Image
“A Chinese doctor who fled her home country under threat has claimed #COVID19 originated in a military #lab and #China and the @WHO covered up facts about its human contagion early on.” ~ @candacesutton1

Doctor who fled China to reveal virus truth…
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Dernier jour de vacances d'été, récit. Coincée depuis 9 heures dans un TGV @SNCF Pau-Paris et nous sommes arrêtés... un peu après Bordeaux. (1/n) Thread tentant de transcender cette expérience ⤵️
Chronologie. 9h45: départ du train depuis Pau. 10h15: arrêt inopiné à Puyoô. 10h45: annonce que nous restons arrêtés pour une durée indéterminée car un "caténaire a été arraché". Déjà, les passagers flairent le roussi... Mais sont loin de se douter de ce qui les attend.
10h45: annonce que nous serons bloqués pour au moins 2h. 11h15: annonce que nous serons bloqués au moins 4h. 12h: annonce que nous serons bloqués au moins jusqu'à 15h ! Arrive alors...
Read 39 tweets
Golly, we ❤️ evidence.

The federal Health Minister @PattyHajdu said today: “The evidence shows us that supervised-consumption sites and services save lives and can provide people who use drugs with access to health and social services and treatment,”
#FactsNotFearAB #SCS
From @lethnewsnow

The evidence she is referring to is ethical and peer-reviewed. ❤️

At a time when Canadians are talking about safe supply, decriminalization and regulation #abpoli is in the dark ages thinking that residential addictions treatment
is the only treatment available. There are tons of types of addictions treatments. We need them all, because one type of treatment modality doesn't work for everyone.

Here is the dangerous part of residential treatment during a fentanyl crisis:
Read 7 tweets
Un scientifique change d’avis si les faits lui donnent tort .... quel que soit son statut

Petite histoire personnelle : allez je vous la fais courte.

Il y a une dizaine d'année, j'étudiais encore et encore le #cuivre en biocides et #pesticides
Outre le fait que pour dériver une DJA et une AOEL sur un oligo-élément, tout allait bien. Juste un petit questionnement sur le passage cutané et l'évitement du premier passage par le foie, mais le #cuivre, élément métallique, n'est pas sensé pénétrer facilement la peau.
Autre questionnement, les impuretés pourries #plomb, #cadmium, #arsenic, #nickel mais en quantité faible donc a priori pas de soucis.
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/08/2020-2…

Our Revolution’s Logic - The American Mind…

#revolution #logic
Governments and WHO changed Covid-19 policy based on suspect data from tiny US company | World news | The Guardian…

#suspect #policy #governments #data
Transmission T-030: David Krakauer and Dan Rockmore on out-evolving COVID-19 | Santa Fe Institute…

#transmission #SFI #coronavirus
Read 12 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 5/31/2020-2…

The Privacy Dial - Render-from-betaworks…
Investigation of a COVID-19 outbreak in Germany resulting from a single travel-associated primary case: a case series - The Lancet Infectious Diseases…

#coronavirus #investigation #outbreak #Germany
Because Culture Matters, There Is No One-Size-Fits-All Exit Strategy from Covid-19 Lockdowns | naked capitalism…

#capitalism #lockdown #strategy #culture
Read 12 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
Story of a important man in history who got pretty much sadly forgoten😔. As one of the biggedt resistance of Hitler. So I write this also in his memorial


So I resarched a bit about

Carl Albert Fritz Michael Gerlich
Carl Albert Fritz Michael Gerlich. Born February 15, 1883 in Szczecin in a Calvinist family with four brothers; Died July 1, 1934 in the #Dachau #concentrationcamp. He studied mathematics and physics in 1902. History and anthropology in 1903.
In 1907 he received his doctorate in philosophy (Dr.Phil). In addition to his work as a historian in the Bavarian State Archives Service, he published numerous articles on anti-socialist and ethnic-#German-conservative topics in the southern German monthly magazines.
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Koronu axis suffers from failing infrastructures. There is a bridge of death hanging over their heads.
It’s Olorunkemi-Academy overhead bridge, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. ImageImageImageImage
On this bridge without railings, people can fall off and die. Government don’t care.
Cars and those riding in them do not matter.
The legislators representing the people have not seen the dangerous bridge. They hate to see it. When they see it, they close their eyes.
Anyway, if government cannot provide protective barriers for the bridge, at least, the users can help themselves by being careful when using the bridge.
Read 3 tweets
Depuis que le CIRC a classé en 2015 le #glyphosate comme cancérigène probable, son analyse est largement attaquée pour la décrédibiliser. À l'origine de la manoeuvre : #Monsanto. Puis des internautes et journalistes ont repris le flambeau.

Thread ⤵️
Certains rabâchent que le CIRC n'a analysé que le #danger alors que les agences de régulation ont fait une évaluation du #risque, qui serait bien plus pertinente.

C'est totalement faux. Elles ont identifié le danger, pas plus : déterminer si le glyphosate est cancérigène ou non
Que toutes les agences de régulation aient le même avis (#glyphosate non cancérigène) n'est pas une preuve de la pertinence de l'avis.
Leurs méthodologies sont proches et elles s'appuient sur les mêmes données. Il est donc normal qu'elles arrivent au même résultat.
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About climbing my 1st 14er, campaigning for @PeteButtigieg at 14,000ft, finding community with strangers, an electrifying moment, and the biggest surprise of my life!
We arrived at the #MtEvans trailhead around 7:30am, the peak was lost in fast moving clouds. #14er
Mt Evans magnets & shirts don't lie, the GOATS! So awesome.
We had goats greet us at the trailhead, we kept our distance &
ogled them with delight. #14ers
#TeamPete, I brought my @playmobil #minime & a #Pete2020 banner for some inspiring photos exploring #AmericatheBeautiful.
#SummitLake parking lot, with another 2,00-odd ft to ascend to the peak of #MtEvans, a #14er that I can see from my house, SE of Denver!
Read 41 tweets

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