Few things you should know about this beautiful surah.
It’s the second surah in the arrangement from the top,
It’s the longest surah in the Quran consisting of 286 Verses 6201 words and 25500 letters (Ibn khathir).
Now do not get confused here, It has been praised doesn’t mean it’s the best. Suratul Fatiha remains the greatest, while Yasin is the heart of the Quran. But this is the most praised.
But the major theme of this surah is guidance.
1) In one Hadith the Prophet (S.A.W) said: “Recite the Quran for it will intercede for you on the day of judgement,....“ then he said:”recite the two Fragrant or blessed surahs” and he named Suratul Baqarah And Al-Imran,...
Commentary on this Hadith.
1) The Quran will intercede for the person who regularly recite it.
2) Suratul Baqarah And Al-Imran are a blessing for us, in the sense they will come in form of birds to save us
1) The type of blessing this surah brings includes, increase in wealth, health and all that is humans desire.
2) Abandoning it causes you to regret either here or in the hereafter.
3) Evils from jinnkind and mankind won’t over come you.
“Do not turn your houses in graves, verily Shaytan does not enters a house where Suratul Baqarah is been recited.”
Collected from [Muslim, Tirmidhi and Musnad of Imam Ahmad]
1) Its comprehensiveness.
2) It has in it the best Verse in the entire Quran (Ayatul Qursiyy)
3) In It Allah gave details on how to be guided towards success.
Verses number 285 and 286.
See the translation below.
Verse no 285.
Verse 286.
These verses are so beautiful that you ask for forgiveness from sins you do intentionally and unintentionally.