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S.B. Alger 🤓🎸🎤 @sewneo
7 years ago, 9 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter

You'll soon understand why I entered your "give-away".

4 years ago I was coming off of a bad breakup & drug treatment. I randomly bought numerology book at a yard sale in Idaho.

Bored & Skeptical, I started working my numbers. I was shook by the accuracy.
The book was describing exactly what I had been through, exactly what I was currently doing, & guiding me towards where I knew I needed to be.

Because of the book I took a risk & accepted an offer to stay on a small piece of property owned by an old native woman.

Then trouble.
Her daughter arrived the same day that we had agreed I would take possession of a small shack to live in/work on. Her daughter violently attacked me & I had to flee to a property with no power or water.

I was praying and reading this book.

I had a job interview the next day.
The next day came and I had strong compulsion to leave. I packed everything in my car after making a few phone calls. I didn't have a place to go, I only had $40, and my car had a bad CV joint.

The spirit was telling me to leave and I listened. My family was angry. I drove away.
Through the kindness of old friends I was able to rebuild my life back in my hometown.

Eventually met a girl who became the love of my life &my best friend.

I got a job and eventually she asked me if I wanted to move in with her.

That was almost 4 years ago. I credit the book.
I still pull it out and reference it for certain events. I consult a few months into the future but I don't obsess over it.

Sometimes I will give a friend or an acquaintance a reading using this book.

The spirit tells me to pursue numerology but I have ignored it until now.
I'm not saying that because I expect to win your scholarship. I do not. But at least today your Tweet spurned me to action and now I know I can at least go back to studying and learning more about the numbers and what they mean in the greater universe, and in my life. Thank you.
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