I know a lot of people are in deep despair right now but I think that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is another step towards progress. Still too slow. Thread:
Professor Hill answered questions by the FBI during a background check and did so reluctantly. She knew she wouldn’t be believed.
Professor Hill was famously called “a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty”.
Professor Hill was said to have had “erotomania”. Psychiatrists came forward to hypothesize she was making it up bc she was obsessed with Thomas.
Professor Hill was represented but alone in front of the committee. Her testimony changed the number of lawyers who work on sexual harassment.
Professor Hill was blindsided by a change in the order of who would speak 12 hours before it happened. She had very little notice and time to prepare.
Thomas spoke first and after Hill. He got to both frame her testimony and respond to it afterwards.
Professor Hill testifies in a time when people hadn’t heard of sexual harassment. The first woman many people publicly said they believed was Anita Hill.
Professor Hill did not have comparable power behind her.
Professor Hill was not supported by the same type of organized grassroots activism.
Professor Hill was met with skepticism at best and ridicule at worst. Gender dynamics were erased bc Thomas invoked race.
Professor Hill was mocked, asked invasive questions, disrespected and treated with hostility. Almost no one on the committee stood up for her.
Professor Hill was supported by Black Women in an ad they took out in the NYT. They defended themselves bc no one else was.
Professor Hill was asked why she stayed in touch with Thomas and if they ever went out on a date.
Professor Hill’s allegations were also supported by other women. The American public did not hear those stories till it was all said and done.