"Brett put his hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming. THIS WAS WHAT TERRIFIED ME THE MOST, and has had the most lasting impact on my life." Dr. Christine Blasey Ford prepared statement, Senate Judiciary Committee hearing (09/27/18)
Leahy: What is the STRONGEST MEMORY you have, the strongest memory of the incident, something that you cannot forget? Take whatever time you need.
Ford: Indelible in the hippocampus is the LAUGHTER
Leahy: You’ve never forgotten that laughter. You’ve never forgotten them laughing at you.
FORD: They were laughing with each other.
Ford: I was, you know, UNDERNEATH ONE OF THEM while the two laughed, two friend — two friends having a really good time with one another.
"It deserves a lot of laughter ... ir's just (a) very defensive and unconvincing presentation."