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Thread by @MitchellCocaine: "Remember when @RealJamesWoods was temporarily banned because he posted a MEME that was flagged as "election meddling"? Also, it was NOT elec […]" #NationalComingOutDay

, 16 tweets, 8 min read
Remember when @RealJamesWoods was temporarily banned because he posted a MEME that was flagged as "election meddling"?

Also, it was NOT election meddling when major Republicans @RepMattGaetz, @Jim_Jordan, @DevinNunes, @RepMarkMeadows, @GOPChairwoman & @Surabees were shadowbanned
Remember when Twitter CEO Jack Drosey testified before Congress no political bias was happening against conservatives?

And then he had lunch with the leader of the Black Lives Movement and Colin Kaepernick?

And then @PaulSperry_ exposed 80% of Twitter exec $$$ went to liberals?
Now as we are mere weeks from the 2018 Midterm Elections we have seen a RAPID escalation in permanently suspended conservative / libertarian / moderate twitter accounts.


Thomas Wictor with 143,000 followers
Less than one day after Pastor Brunson was freed from wrongful imprisonment Turkey, his Twitter account was permanently suspended.

Sourced Reports which had over 150,000 followers and which only reported the news was banned today
Parody news account in @TheOnion fashion was permanently suspended last week.

The account posted funny parody news in a conservative way and had nearly 50,000 followers
Anti-Media, an Anti-War account, was simultaneously banned on Facebook & Twitter within hours. The account had almost 50,000 followers
The Free Thought Project (TFTProject), another account that expressed Anti-War sentiments, was also simultaneously banned on Facebook & Twitter within hours like Anti-Media. The account had nearly 20,000 followers
Wired Sources, an account that reports news the MSM ignores was permanently banned with 72,500 followers. They only reported news stories.

Why ban a news page?
Looking back, we remember Alex Jones was the scariest permanent suspension as one by one he was "un-personed" from the internet from Twitter, FB, YouTube, MailChimp, Paypal, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and so much more.

He had 900,000 followers on Twitter when he was banned
Gavin McInnes, founder of Vice News & part of Rebel Media was suspiciously banned one day before the infamous "Unite the Right" Rally.

He had over 250,000 followers on Twitter.
Funny loveable gay conservative Gay Patriot was inexplicably banned on #NationalComingOutDay 🏳️‍🌈

Is the left physically incapable of understanding painful irony?
Right Wing News, which reported all conservative news was banned yesterday. The account had 110,000 followers at the time of deletion.
Police the Police, an account that raises awareness of serious abuses by officers, was simultaneously banned from Facebook & Twitter in what appears to be a coordinated fashion.

The twitter account had 11,500 followers when it was permanently suspended.
The Proud Boys official Twitter account was suspended after Gavin McInness.

Gavin's last tweet? He denounced the "Unite the Right" rally and said that Proud Boys have NOTHING to do with the event.

Was Twitter trying to hide this fact?
Harold Finch, an account by a prominent anonymous individual that tweeted high level information like Thomas Wictor, was banned 3 weeks ago with almost 25,000 followers.

@MattGraver2 is in contact with him and tries to keep his legacy going.
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