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Thread by @MitchellCocaine: "A THREAD In honor of Bill & Hillary Clinton's national speaking tour, some fun, rare clips of Hillary Clinton 1) During a speaking event […]"

, 7 tweets, 3 min read

In honor of Bill & Hillary Clinton's national speaking tour, some fun, rare clips of Hillary Clinton

1) During a speaking event in Las Vegas in 2014, Hillary Clinton is nearly missed when a random woman throws a shoe just past her head.

Notice the bizarre reaction.
2) Bill and Hillary Clinton are being interviewed on 60 minutes about Gennifer Flower's alleged accusation and the "happiness" of their marriage.

Almost as if being struck by lightning for her lying, a nearby lamp comes crashing down, nearly hitting Hillary over the head.
3) Hillary Clinton has a fly lands just above her eye as she speaks during her Second Presidential Debate.

The fly seems to be strangely drawn to her face.
4) Hillary Clinton, during serious Benghazi investigation, laughs like a psychopath when Rep Martha Roby of Alabama asks Hillary if she was alone at home the night of the consulate attack that claimed the lives of four men including Ambassador Stevens.
5) Hillary Clinton coughs up two mysterious green items into a cup of water as she attempts to speak through a violent coughing fit, with her VP Tim Kaine sitting behind her watching on.
6) Hillary Clinton shakes her head up and down like a bobble head on the front of the dashboard of a 1963 Chevy Camaro while doing a great impression of the Joker smile.

Onlooking reporters have no idea how to respond.
7) Here's a fun version @Fuctupmind made of the 2nd video in this thread.

Enjoy :)
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