The ICC says ME is ‘adverse responses to normal exertion’.

The ICC says ME is a distinct disease. #pwME

ICC ME finds multiple abnormal responses to exertion, neurological abnormalities, immune impairments & energy production impairments. #pwME #PwME4ICC #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis

ICC ME section on ‘Maximising Rest’:
“Listen to the body and rest or sleep when needed. Sleep dysfunction and an inability to produce sufficient energy on demand makes it essential that low energy reserves are not depleted.”


ICC recognises exercise can harm: “Both submaximal & self-paced physiological limited exercise can result in PENE.” #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #pwME

A fatigue syndrome is not ME.
ICC ME Primer says “Restoration to full pre-morbid health and function is rare.”
#PwME4ICC #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #MillionsMissing

“These observed pathological changes are consistent with neurological disorders but not psychiatric conditions.”
ME is not a psychiatric condition.
#pwME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #MyalgicE
Chronic fatigue syndrome guidelines say there’s “diagnostic uncertainty between CFS and psychological illness in relation to somatoform disorders” (psychological distress manifesting as symptoms).

Is this sexism where women can’t be believed?
“An independent, corroborating history should be sought from a spouse, partner or other family member”.

It “might be prudent to refrain from making a definitive diagnosis” because it would hold them back from recovery.

ICC Primer on ME says
“Early intervention and appropriate treatment strategies may lessen severity of symptoms. Restoration to full pre-morbid health and function is rare.”