Lord Allan: "Not that I'm aware of"
This hearing is 🔥🔥🔥
"No," said Lord Allan. "I don't believe we are." Even he doesn't sound quite sure any ore...
"Really?So you've read all the answers given in parliament and all the times, Facebook said 'I'll write to you with that answer.' Yet how many times have you said today, 'I'll with to you with that answer'?"
Lord Allan: "It depends on the problem we are trying to solve"
MP: "What if the problem is Facebook?"
@DamianCollins: "The internet is not Facebook."
Final words. Hearing over. Pretty much sums it up.
@DamianCollins: "Hugely disrespectful of Zuck not to show up. Facebook should tell the court to seal the docs. What does Facebook have to hide? "