'Cultural Marxism' is a refitting of the Nazi idea of 'Kulturbolschewismus' - the idea that culture is being subverted by the Jews.
To begin with, the NSDAP pursued a revolutionary agenda, and throughout the Nazi era, reference was made to the ongoing 'national socialist' revolution.
It's necessarily violent imagery.

In holding this rally to the heart of London, adopting this imagery becomes a statement of intent.
'Tommy' sees this as his revolutionary moment.

The incompetence and inability for the government to deliver any kind of certainty regarding Brexit means that the populace is fractious, divided and close to lashing out.
There will be no Wetherspoons Putsch.
What I am saying is that they could very easily lose control of the crowd, and that could have dramatic consequences.
It's been shown that time and time again, he is not called to account for his actions in any meaningful way.
In fact, jailing him seems to only bolster his reach and popularity
A Far Right figure thinks this is his moment of moments.
He is taking an increasingly extreme tone.
The population is divided and fractious.
He won't be called to account.
Be careful. /FIN