But I’m sick of the way these kids are being treated. Nathan Phillips is an adult who is smearing teenagers: dailywire.com/news/42563/now…
After he refused to meet with the kids earlier this week when it wasn’t "the right time."
He said that kid’s statement, which lines up with the videos, contained lies.
No admission that he acted immaturely or cruelly, as the adult in the situation.
He just continues to slander.
And we’re not allowed to criticize him. I’m with @MattWalshBlog on this one, he’s a bully. And he and the media bullied teenagers. TEENAGERS.
Hell, they’re the ones sending them.
No matter what the kids did - even if Phillips had never lied - they deserved an education not murder or social isolation.
Which they already have, but it’ll be even worse.
I’ve just had enough of this bs. But, at least it showed us who the true monsters are: The adults who wished death on teens & refuse to let that go after new videos