First, a reminder that you don't have to be a left-winger to support MMT and not all MMTers are (though I have heard many MMTers express approval of the idea). (1/)
Since this would be a federal tax, and the US federal government is a monetary sovereign, this tax would have ONE purpose only: to make rich people have less money. (2/)
It depends: do you think rich people have too much money? You might say yes if you think that the political power rich people have accumulated is bad for democracy, and that inequality is out of control. Or, you might say no if you think they've (3/)
(What is @DeficitOwls's opinion? The answer is [***redacted***])
But the point of the tax would be to fight inequality and concentrations of power, NOT to raise revenue. The amount of revenue collected is immaterial. (4/)
The answer is - no! (5/)
Conclusion/tl;dr: we don't need rich people's money, but we might want them not to have it. (Fine.)