But, the fact remains, since 2010, our region has added over three jobs for every housing unit.
3 jobs per 1 housing unit
commute times
housing prices
Forcing people to drive hours for housing is not equitable. seattlepi.com/local/transpor…
On top of this, @SoundRegion is forecasting 1.8M additional residents + 1.2M new jobs by 2050 in King, Snohomish, Pierce and Kitsap counties.
We already agreed years ago, with the GMA’s passage, to the fundamental principle of directing growth to our urban areas.
The changes being proposed this session would provide practical tools for cities to make this work. #waleg
🔸We need to make room for neighbors who want to live here
🔸Working together, we can do so in a way that makes for better neighborhoods
One shortfall of the GMA is that it does not define urban density or a minimum residential density standard.
What’s the result?
New polices restricting growth and zoning limits that preclude building more housing.
@MBAKingSno recently reviewed the 80 jurisdictions in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties and found 46 have at least one zoning designation that limits residential density to fewer than 4 homes per acre. (‼️)
4 dwelling units per acre is the bare minimum planning standard for being considered “urban.”
That’s STILL more than 10K sq ft per lot. And many cities planning under GMA STILL don’t allow it.
A great example: City of Bothell and Southern SnoCo have experienced & continue to deal with significant growth.
🔹THE CITY OF SEATTLE has a key role to play in ensuring housing needs are met…
🔹AND the STATE has a key role to play in ensuring housing needs are met. #waleg
.@SeaTimesOpinion, the status quo won’t work. Credit: PSRC #missingmiddle