Zurich🇨🇭- Geneva🇨🇭- Les Houches 🇫🇷 - Nice 🇫🇷 - Zurich🇨🇭 (1400km)
Good opportunity to test #supercharger, #destinationcharger and compare consumption to forecast from @RouteBetter
Will share my experience from the road 🤓

SoC: 38% (11°)
First SC (Kriegstetten):
Arrived with: 15% (14°)
95.6km / 1:17h / 182Wh/km
Charged to: 41% with constant 116kW
Arrived with: 20% (15°)
82.9km / 1:04h / 186Wh/km
Charged to: 88% (from 97kW to 37kW)
Charged way higher then planned because #supercharger can charge faster then you can eat 🤷🏻♂️😄

SoC: 61% (20)°
109km / 1:29h / 178Wh/km
Even the performance model can be driven very efficient 👌🏻 ~160Wh/km over 50km with #Autopilot and speed of 100-130km/h!

- Starting with 91% SoC from the Hotel destination charger 🔌
- Getting into a toasty pre-heated car with a warm battery 🔋
#DrivingTheFuture 👌🏻

Very pleasant trip so far with ~95% driven with #Autopilot engaged. Makes driving surprisingly less tiring 👍🏻
- Awesome car 👏🏻
- P model is very efficient, LR/RWD will absolutely kill it 😉
- No issue doing road trips, #supercharger network is a huge USP for $TSLA
- @RouteBetter estimates helpful, but pre-planning not needed
- #Autopilot awesome, very few disengagements 👌🏻