(b) an elaborate ploy to get me to waste my next 12 hours on Moore clips
(c) a real thing
I think I am going with (a) but what do I know

Moore: "Well see that's the other problem. That's why I always thought he was a bad choice because he spent his whole career basically at the Fed.."
[narrator: he did not]
i: "he picked one of the alligators"
M: "exactly!"

referring to the Wall Street Journal editorial page, Fox News and the National Taxpayers Union (@NTU)
"I just want to help the Fed, help Donald Trump grow this economy and create jobs... those rate increases were a very significant mistake and they should be reversed."

And right now, the CRB Index is blaring, "Pull up! Pull up!" heritage.org/markets-and-fi…

Moore: "look there may be some truth to that" player.fm/series/series-…

This thread has multiple instances of him advocating a gold standard.
March 2009:
December 2016:
"if you live in the midwest, where else do you want to live besides Chicago, right? You don't want to live in Cincinnati or Cleveland or, you know, these, you know, armpits of America like that?"
💪 start for Moore's populist campaign