They called them “bicycle face”.
Why? Because bicycles <gasp!> helped women 💪 make their own dating choices.
IOW bikes were the first dating app. That scared men.
Let’s talk about it.
Hold on to your bodices people, THIS IS A THREAD
Others blamed the vibrations.
Some blamed the strain of pedaling and keeping one’s balance.
Journals warned women that riding a bike could cause “apoplexy of the brain”.
They called this malady bicycle face.……
By providing independence and mobility to their riders, the bicycle literally changed how men and women made decisions about their romantic lives.
"Bicycle face" was a failed attempt to shame them back into traditional roles.
Slut shaming is a retrograde attempt to make a woman feel ashamed of those choices and dependent on a man’s.
IOW: Get off your bike. Go back to your drawing room. I am the man, do what I say.
Ask a lady friend and she’ll likely handclap it for you: shut shaming happens on dating apps 👏 all 👏 the 👏 time.
When she, so to speak, keeps pedaling on by.
Dating apps, like bicycles, are a way of expressing freedom to choose in public.
All those apps work by the same pedal-around-town principle — that is, make more decisions (x) in less time (y) using speed (z).
Your time (y) is simply the number of those decisions you can make given the speed (z), the bicycle.…

That *hyper-efficient and convenient coupling* MAY NOT BE in our long term best, humans-living-among-humans interests.
That is, we take a lot of pleasure from online dating, but the pleasure seems to consist mostly in **loathing a great many of the people we meet.**
As part of our client project I wrote more about the challenge with dating apps and how moving too quickly online can dehumanize your fellow travelers.
Here’s part 1:…
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