Be yourself.
Nothing exists as it appears, nothing.
R. Adams.
Allow your thoughts to come and go.
Just don't serve them tea.
Shunryu Suzuki
As thoughts arise, destroying them utterly without any residue in the very place of their origin is non-attachment.
Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi: How many mirrors do you need to see your face?
then all actions will end up as meditation.
Ramana Maharshi
The universe is but a partial manifestation of your limitless capacity to become.
RamanaM : They are relative terms. There must be a subject to know the good and evil. That subject is the ego. Trace the source of the ego. It ends in the Self. The source of the ego is God. This definition of God is probably more concrete
Nisargadatta: Those only deserve it, who don't disturb it.
Questioner: In what way do I disturb peace?
N: By being a slave to your desires and fears.

Ramana Maharshi
Ramana Maharshi: If the mind, which is the cause of all thoughgts & activities, vanishes, external objects will also vanish
Seshadri Swami
RM: Why don't you retort by calling them worse idolaters? For do they not wash, dress, embellish, feed and thus '"worship" their body so many times every day? Is not the body the biggest idol?
Sri Ramana Maharshi
You are merely watching what happens,
without being able to influence it in any way.
The path of realization is difficult.
Worldly matters are easy of understanding,whereas this is not.
RM: Yes.The mind always seeks external knowledge,leaving aside its own inner knowledge.
Albert Einstein
Ramana Maharshi.
Your efforts can extend only thus far.
Then the Beyond will take care of itself. You are helpless there.
No effort can reach it.
Ramana Maharshi.
They look for various forms of entertainment to escape from themselves.
The greatest challenge lies in looking at oneself - by being "alone" with oneself.
Robert Adams
Ramana Maharshi

There is only peace if freed of the 'mind'. There can only be peace if you are out of your 'mind'.

Therefore the remedy for all ills is to still the mind.
When man’s mind has been stilled, all will be well with him,
both physically and psychologically.
Anandamayee Maa
What makes it "my thought"?
The bird sings and it is perceived.
Does one make it "my song"?
~ Wu Hsin
N: Just turn ur mind away. Desire is merely the fixation of the mind on an idea - get it out of its groove by denying it attention. Go back to your attempts till d brushing away of every desire and fear, of every reaction becomes automatic
Bhagavan: First of all find out if you have a form. If you say 'yes, I am having a form', then find out who says so.
Find out that ‘I’. Enquire which is the real ‘I’. Then let us go to God.
Nisargadatta: Like wrong telephone calls, disconnect useless thoughts; don’t entertain them. Make use of useful ones and then be free of thoughts as far as possible. You get engrossed in memories, be attentive, say ‘go, I don’t want you’.
However vast and emphatic the scriptures may be, they fail in their effect. The Guru is quiet and Grace prevails in all.
This silence is more vast and more emphatic than all the scriptures put together.
Karma will go on automatically,
or karma will drop away from you.
Ramana Maharshi.
Of several wives none escapes widowhood when the husband dies; even so, when the doer goes all three karmas vanish.
Ramana Maharshi
Realize yourself as away from all that can be pointed at as "this" or "that". You are unreachable by any sensory experience or verbal construction.