Look at this Thread
#WhatSayYou ??

(Make Electricity GST Free) Bill 2017
Not Proceeding
Agriculture and Water Resources Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
to: remove the requirements for an export licence to export meat by-products and for certain documents to be tabled;
repeal obsolete provisions; Biosecurity Act 2015
Not Proceeding
(Strengthening the Commitments for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2018
Amends the: Australian Citizenship Act 2007 in relation to: strengthened citizenship requirements,
Not Proceeding
Australian Multicultural Bill 2018
enshrines the principles of diversity and multiculturalism; establishes the Australian Multicultural Commission and provides for its functions, powers, constitution, operation and inquiries
Before Senate
(Restoring the Debt Ceiling) Bill 2018
Amends the Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Act 1911 to limit the amount the government can borrow,
Not Proceeding
Charter of Budget Honesty Amendment (Intergenerational Report) Bill 2015
Amends the: Parliamentary Service Act 1999 to: require the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) to prepare an intergenerational report for the Treasurer every five years;
Not Proceeding
Coal-Fired Power Funding Prohibition Bill 2017
#Prohibits the Commonwealth government or its agencies from funding the refurbishment, building or purchase, or assisting in the transfer of ownership, of a coal-fired power station.
Before Senate
Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Donations Reform) Bill 2014
Amends Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to #prohibit political donations from certain industries + industry representative organisations whose majority members are prohibited donors
Not Proceeding
Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Reducing Barriers for Minor Parties) Bill 2014
Amends Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to #decrease to $500 & $1000, respectively nomination deposit be paid by or on behalf of candidates for House & Senate
Not Proceeding
Halal Certification Transitional Authority Bill 2018
Establishes Halal Certification Transitional Authority to issue halal certificates to authorise holders to certify that certain foods within the scope of their halal certificate are halal
Not Proceeding
High Speed Rail Planning Authority Bill 2017
Establishes a High Speed Rail Planning Authority to advise on, plan and develop high speed rail on the east coast of Australia
Not Proceeding
Freedom of Speech Legislates Amendment (Censorship) Bill 2018
Amend Classification Publications Films & Computer Game Act 1995 to remove ban on publications films & computer games that offend AGAINST standards of morality decency & propriety
Not Proceeding
Freedom of Speech Legislation Amendment (Insult and Offend) Bill 2018
Amends 23 Commonwealth Acts to remove certain restrictions on insulting or offensive speech.
Not Proceeding
Freedom to Marry Bill 2016
Amends the: Marriage Act 1961 to: define marriage as a union of two people; clarify that authorised celebrants are not bound to solemnise marriage; and remove the prohibition of the recognition of same sex marriages
Not Proceeding
@WesterSou @suecrowther57 @Turdface70 @pleaseuseaussie @BawdenSnoek @BeverleyMaxwe15 @imbalaska @LMPACESETTER @Leigh95907624 @AupolNews @Fayth43 @den2114 @JanMareeSmith2 @JackEastman64 @eliseulascado @Al_Fuctifino @OZzSue1 @NC_24

Have a look at What was continued & what was NOT
A Very damaging Picture emerges
@oranglaut @MurrayHicksind4 @FOLLOW_DA_BUCKS @surfbird03 @AussieRedPilled @Cursed_Seeress @valgms @BaronBlacky @kathtatts @kawunnee
3 = We will further lead efforts to foster development and address other global challenges to pave the way
toward an inclusive and sustainable world, as envisioned in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
@LMPACESETTER @Terri168 @GrahamClune @BawdenSnoek @AyesHavit

Rural Finance Reform Bill 2019
additional protections are deemed prudent for loans to small primary production businesses.
Not Proceeding
Mining Subsidies Legislation Amend (Raising Revenue) Bill 2014
to abolish fossil fuel subsidies for mining industry from 1 January 2015 including diesel fuel rebate; accelerated asset depreciation for aircraft, oil and gas industry & vehicles
Not Proceeding
Motor Vehicle Standards (Cheaper Transport) Bill 2014
sets carbon emissions standards that certain manufacturers, importers or sellers of passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles are required to meet as the average across its fleet;
Not Proceeding
Migration (Validation of Port Appointment) Bill 2018
Confirms the validity of the appointment of a proclaimed port in the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands contained in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. GN 3, 23 January 2002
Not Proceeding
Future Drought Fund Bill 2019
Bill uses uncommitted funds from Building Australia Fund to establish Future Drought Fund as dedicated investment vehicle to provide secure revenue stream to for drought resilience, preparedness & response
Not Proceeding
Galilee Basin (Coal Prohibition) Bill 2018
Prohibits the mining of thermal coal in the Galilee Basin in Queensland.
Not Proceeding
Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Full Face Coverings in Public Places) Bill 2017
to prohibit wearing full face coverings in public places under jurisdiction of C/wealth if threat level under National TTA System is higher than possible
Not Proceeding
#Defence Amendment (Sovereign Naval Shipbuilding) Bill 2018
To provide Commonwealth may only enter into agreement with entity for building of certain vessels for Royal Australian Navy if constructed in Australia by an Australian shipbuilder
Not Proceeding
Notice what has been Left in -- PLUS -- What has been taken out
Shows Directional picture of Govt & Politicians