“Hey Yair, let me own you by writing a complete and utter lie, cause you know, I am that kind of shitty person to do these garbage takes”.
Yair says controversial stuff, you are just saying a pure lie. 🤮🤮🤮 Let me prove it. Thread.
However, and here is where Rebecca explicitly lies, words for Jews, Jerusalem and G-d’s name (Jehovah) are spelled with “J” solely in English. English took them from King James Bible who in turn took it from Vulgata 6/
So again, English words with “J” that originated from Hebrew came 7/
Bottom line:
1) In Arabic there is no “P”, thus they use “Filistin” instead
2) Name Filistin is not originally Arabic
3) In Hebrew there is no “J”
4) Words from Hebrew that begin with “Yod” in English are transliterated 6/
5) Rebecca compared English transliteration of original Hebrew words with Arabic transliteration of original Hebrew/Greek/Roman words. Classic example of false comparison. Literally.
6) Rebecca is still despicable.
The end.