I did some research to find out the truth of his claims and the results are quite shocking!
Look at the wholesale prices of 8 Vegetables for the last 10 years (1/n)

Onion, Potato, Garlic and Cabbage are at 10-year lowest prices.
Onion: ₹14.5 in 2014, now ₹6.7
Potato: ₹17.6 in 2014, now ₹6.5
Now take a look at the retail prices, you'll find a similar (not same) pattern here.
It is not the same, largely because of the growing retail margins. (3/n)

NHB website provides data for 30 cities across the country. I downloaded data for Delhi, Mumbai & Bengaluru, out which I selected a city for each crop.
Eg: Delhi for Potato, Mumbai for Onion (8/n)

Again, NHB data comes to our rescue. nhb.gov.in/statistics/Pub…
Now, I can infer, e.g., 2.5% of Ginger produced was traded in Bengaluru in 2015-16.

- Demonetisation, GST
- Economic slowdown
- Govt policies
- Declining exports etc.
Demonetisation triggered the crash of all crops simultaneously. It took away whatever little they had before. (14/n)
Let's take Fasal Bima Yojana itself.
Go through insurance partners of PMFBY. Find out how many times their stocks multiplied. You'll be astonished! (15/n)

Just 2 Facts:
1. MSP is not applicable to perishable goods (veggies, fruits)
2. Only 5.8% of farmers benefit from the MSP
"Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them"
We often boast of being self-made by hard work. Also, do remember these faces who subsidize our meal.