▪️Peer review service
▪️Teaching 1st/2nd year students
▪️Grad students building necessary non-traditional skills for #altac careers
▪️Granting agencies recognising other metrics (for HQP)
▪️The notion of excellence.... What does this mean? Depends on the end goal of research (one size doesn't fit all)
▪️The plight of #ECR, metrics to take career stage into account
▪️Different evaluation tools on impact

▪️What are the implications when you change the metrics... Consequences for the student/ECR on this change?
▪️ Skills... Diversely poll PhD graduates in what they wish they had, those who: "leaked out"; never intended on the academic career; ECRs in the academy
Pursue culture change, but do that in such a way as to stay alive and enable others to sustainably (job) wear a hat for the team