* From Code to Configuration
* From High LoC towards Low LoC (preferably zero)
* From Building Services to Consuming Services
* From Owning Workloads to Disowning Workloads
Configuration is a form of "code", but is not necessarily programming. It defines the resources and services used and how they are combined for an application. The code is the ***unique business logic*** required for the application.
Today's code is tomorrow's technical debt. Code is always a liability at some point in the future. Limiting this future liability is a good thing. Working to reduce this liability from the beginning is simply good practice.
Who wants to manage and maintain a service or a server or anything that looks like one? Management requires people, and people should be employed developing features and moving a business forward, not maintaining technical debt
Build in such a way as to avoid ever owning a workload that is not business critical. If it isn't business critical, then why do it? Disown it as quickly as possible and hand it to the vendor.