, 65 tweets, 50 min read Read on Twitter
Let’s do this:

One Like, One Undefined Behavior.

I plan on running this through the weekend at least.

Signed integer overflow/underflow is undefined behavior

int x1=std::numeric_limits<int>::max()+1;
int x2=std::numeric_limits<int>::min()-1;

[expr.pre]p4 eel.is/c++draft/expr#…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/Ga-fbb
#2 Signed integer overflow/underflow is undefined behavior 2

int x3=std::numeric_limits<int>::min() / -1;

[expr.pre]p4 eel.is/c++draft/expr#…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/ytC8oi
#3 Interesting twist on signed overflow is undefined behavior

Gcc coalescing increment due to assumption of no undefined behavior

Interesting twist on signed over is undefined behavior 2

gcc turning a finite loop infinite due to the assumption of no undefined behavior

#5 memcpy of a nullptr even if the size is zero is undefined behavior

memcpy(dst, nullptr, 0);

C11 7.24.1p2 port70.net/~nsz/c/c11/n15…

Godbolt: godbolt.org/z/mxcHJY
#6 memcpy of overlapping objects is undefined behavior

memcpy(arr, arr+1, 2);

C11 hhttps://port70.net/~nsz/c/c11/n1570.html#

Godbolt: godbolt.org/z/dtUXqx
#7 Using the wrong format specifier for printf is undefined behavior:

void f(size_t s) {
printf( "%d\n", s);

C11 port70.net/~nsz/c/c11/n15…

Godbolt: godbolt.org/z/Ee1VVm
#8 Multiple unsequenced modifications is undefined behavior:

int f(int x) {
return x++ + x++;

[intro.execution]p10 eel.is/c++draft/basic…

Godbolt: godbolt.org/z/msejuQ
#9 Data races are undefined behavior:

int cnt = 0;
auto f = [&]{cnt++;};
std::thread t1{f}, t2{f}, t3{f};

[intro.races]p21 eel.is/c++draft/intro…
Also see en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language…

Godbolt: godbolt.org/z/0aktDl
#10 If a splice results in a character sequence that matches the syntax of a universal-character-name, the behavior is undefined.

const char* p = "\\

[lex.phases]/p2 eel.is/c++draft/lex.p…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/xZLefc

DR787 open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21…
#11 If a character sequence that matches the syntax of a universal-character-name is produced by token concatenation, the behavior is undefined

#define GUARD_NAME ï ## _GUARD

[lex.phases]p4 eel.is/c++draft/lex.p…

godbolt godbolt.org/z/BO8PGi

N3881 open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21…
#12 A preprocessing token is the minimal lexical element ... in translation phases 3 through 6 … If a ’ or a " character matches the last category, the behavior is undefined.

#define S "
#define E "

int main() {puts(S hello world E);}

[lex.pptoken]p2 eel.is/c++draft/lex.p…
#13 Attempting to modify a string literal is undefined behavior

const char *p1 = "hello world\n";
char *p2 = const_cast<char*>(p1) ; // const_cast is already suspicious

p2[0] = 'm' ;

[lex.string]p15 eel.is/c++draft/lex.s…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/wrNAzz
#14 Violating the One Definition Rule (ODR rule) is undefined behavior.

[basic.def.odr]p12 eel.is/c++draft/basic…

Examples from: DCL60-CPP. Obey the one-definition rule: wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/dis…
Also see Devirtualization in C++, part 7 (Enforcing One Definition Rule)

Producing an indeterminate value is undefined behavior:

bool p;
if ( p )
puts("p is true");
if ( ! p )
puts("p is false");

[basic.indet]p2 eel.is/c++draft/basic…

Also see “Both true and false: a Zen moment with C” markshroyer.com/2012/06/c-both…

Also see:
#15 The return type of main shall be int

void main() {}

[basic.start.main]p2 eel.is/c++draft/basic…
#16 Using main is undefined behavior:

int main() {
decltype(main()) x;
return static_cast<bool>(&main);

[basic.start.main]p3 eel.is/c++draft/basic…

Godbolt: godbolt.org/z/VhCoop

Also see: stackoverflow.com/q/25297257/170…
#17 Converting floating point value to type that cannot represent the value is undefined behavior even for float

double d2=DBL_MAX;
float f=d2;

[conv.double]p1 timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/n4659/co…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/1nHInC
#18 Converting floating point value to an integral that cannot represent the value is undefined behavior

double d=(double)INT_MAX+1;
int x=d;

[conv.fpint]p1 timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/n4659/co…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/Esp8ot
#19 Setting an enum to a value outside the range of enumerators is undefined behavior

enum A {e1=1, e2};

void f() {
enum A a=static_cast<A>(4);

[expr.static.cast]p10 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…


[dcl.enum]p8 eel.is/c++draft/dcl.e…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/csBeWj
#20 Down-casting to the wrong derived type is undefined behavior

struct B {};
struct D1:B {};
struct D2:B {};

void f() {
B* bp = new D1;

[expr.static.cast]p11 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt godbolt.org/z/ZU4cO4
#21 Using array delete on the result of a single object new expression and vice versa is undefined behavior

int *x = new int;
delete [] x;

[expr.delete]p2 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/6rOI4S
#22 If the dynamic type differs from the static type of the object being deleted that is undefined behavior

int *p = new int;
float *f = reinterpret_cast<float*>(p);
delete f;

[expr.delete]p3 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/9AE_-F
#23 Deleting and incomplete type and the class turns out to have a non-trivial destructor is undefined behavior

struct A;

void f(A *p) {
delete p;

struct A {~A(){}};

[expr.delete]p5 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/Jn_TFY

#24 Declaring a variable main is ill-formed in C++ but AFIAK still undefined behavior in C.

You can still do fun things w/ it though, at least in C:

const char main[] ="\xb8\x2a\x00\x00\x00\xc3";

#25 Using an indeterminate value is undefined behavior 2

Using an uninitialized int in a if statement and gcc and clang take different branches:

#26 Divison by zero is undefined behavior:

int x = 1/0;
double d = 1.0/0.0;

[expr.mul]p4 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/ayB189

#27 Incrementing pointer beyond one past the end of an array is undefined behavior

static const int arrs[10]{};

void f() {
const int* y = arrs + 11;

[expr.add]p4 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…


footnote eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/vFO-Qy

#28 Subtracting pointers that are not part of the same array is undefined behavior:

int x;
int y;
int *p1=&x;
int *p2=&y;
std::ptrdiff_t off = p1-p2;

[expr.add]p5.3 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/JOMylq
#29 more pointer fun, strcpy a string into adjacent char variables is undefined behavior:

char s1, s2, s3, s4;
strcpy(&s1, "str");
#30 Shifting by a negative amount is undefined behavior:

int y = 1 << -1;

[expr.shift]p1 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/XPaWXE
Anyone thinking of adding additional examples should consider waiting till Sunday.

I still have a bunch of material, I did not realize how much those final touches for each one required :-p
#31 Shifting by equal or greater than the bit-width of a type is undefined behavior

static_assert(sizeof(int) == 4 && CHAR_BIT == 8 );
int y1 = 1 << 32;
int y2 = 1 >> 32;

[expr.shift]p1 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/75TAvs

#32 Shifting a negative signed type is undefined behavior (before C++20)

int y4 = -1 << 12;

[expr.shift]p2 timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/n4659/ex…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/dlfgK5
#33 Overlap in an assignment expression must be exact and the objects must have the same type

int x=1;
char *c=reinterpret_cast<char*>(&x);
x = *c;

[expr.ass]p8 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/w9dnST

#34 Flowing off the end of a value returning function is undefined behavior

int f(int x) {
return 1;

void b(){
int x=f(0);

[stmt.return]p2 eel.is/c++draft/stmt.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/xAybG4
#35 interesting twist on flowing off the end of value returning function being undefined behavior.

In this case it turn a loop infinite:

#36 interesting twist on flowing off the end of value returning function being undefined behavior.

clang and gcc optimizing differently in C and C++ for this since in C it is only UB if you use the value:
#37 Recursively entering declaration of a block scope static variable during initialization is undefined behavior

int foo(int i) {
static int s = foo(2*i);
return i+1;

[stmt.dcl]p4 eel.is/c++draft/stmt.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/MpQT_l
#38 Attempting to modify a const object is undefined behavior

int b() {
const int x=1;

int *p = const_cast<int*>(&x);
*p = 2;

return *p;

[dcl.type.cv]p4 eel.is/c++draft/dcl.t…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/p4YBux
#39 Accessing a volatile value through a non-volatile is undefined behavior

void f() {
volatile int x=0;
int &y=const_cast<int&>(x);
std::cout << y;

[dcl.type.cv]p5 eel.is/c++draft/dcl.s…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/4xKsxy
#40 Violating a non-checked contract is undefined behavior outside of a constant expression context

void f(int x) [[expects audit: x>=1 && x<=2]];

void b() {

[dcl.attr.contract.check]p4 eel.is/c++draft/dcl.a…
#41 if a postcondition odr-uses a non-reference parameter in its predicate and the function body makes direct or indirect modifications of the value of that parameter, the behavior is undefined.

int f(int x)
[[ensures r: r == x]]
return ++x; // UB
[dcl.attr.contract.cond]p7 eel.is/c++draft/dcl.a…
#42 A function declared noreturn eventually returns it is undefined behavior

[[ noreturn ]] void q(int i) {
// behavior is undefined if called with an argument <= 0
if (i > 0)
throw "positive";

[dcl.attr.noreturn]p2 eel.is/c++draft/dcl.a…

godbolt godbolt.org/z/OZbnfb
#43 Explicit destructor call for an object not of the type is undefined behavior

struct X {};

void f() {
X *x=nullptr;

[class.dtor]p14 eel.is/c++draft/class…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/LWmK4f
#44 Invoking the dtor for an object once its lifetime has ended is undefined behavior

struct A{

int main() {
A a;
a.~A(); // Destructor will be invoked again at scope exit invoking UB

[class.dtor]p16 eel.is/c++draft/class…

godbolt godbolt.org/z/NeuBge
#45 Accessing a non-active union member is undefined behavior

union Y { float f; int k; };
void g() {
Y y = { 1.0f };
// OK, y.f is active union member (10.3)
int n = y.k;

[class.union]p1 eel.is/c++draft/class…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/oW1pnx
#46 infinite loops without side effects are undefined behavior


[intro.progress]p1 eel.is/c++draft/intro…

Also see N1528: Why undefined behavior for infinite loops?: open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14…
Note C11 has an exception of controlling expressions that are constant expressions stackoverflow.com/a/30988141/170…
#47 Dereferencing a nullptr is undefined behavior (with certain caveats as described in defect reports below):

int* p = nullptr;

CWG active issue 232: open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21…
CWG closed issue 315: open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21…

Godbolt: godbolt.org/z/hnT_oV
#48 Using a nullptr to access a static member is not undefined behavior, non-static is

struct A{
int g(){return 0;}
static int f(){return 1;}

A* a=nullptr;
void f() {
int x = a->f();
int y = a->g();

CWG 315: open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21…

Godbolt godbolt.org/z/WxpKae
#49 Returning a local initializer_list is undefined behavior:

auto g(int a, int b, int c)
std::initializer_list<int> v = {a,b,c};
return v;

DR 1299 open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21…
Issue 1565 open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21…
Godbolt using -Wlifetime: godbolt.org/z/W25e1R

#50 Capturing a local variable by reference via a lambda and returning the lambda is undefined behavior

auto f(){
int x=0;

auto f=[&](){return x;};
return f;

[basic.life]p1.5 eel.is/c++draft/basic…
[basic.stc.auto]p1 eel.is/c++draft/basic…
#75 out of bounds array access is undefined behavior

Oh look at that out of bounds counting seems to have struck 😱

int arr[10]{};
int x = arr[20];

[expr.add]p4 eel.is/c++draft/expr.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/H2XAko
#76 twist on OOB access causes undefined behavior in for loop leads to finite loop to become infinite:

complex<int> mc[4] = {0};

for(int di = 0; di < 4; di++, delta = mc[di]) {
cout << di << endl;

See: stackoverflow.com/q/32506643/170…
Another example: stackoverflow.com/q/24296571/170…
#77 Indirection through a pointer returned from a zero sized allocation is undefined behavior:

int *x = new int[0];
*x = 0;

[basic.stc.dynamic.allocation]p2 eel.is/c++draft/basic…

Godbolt: godbolt.org/z/-8fh5U
Sorry folks, I do have more but one my kids got sick yesterday and next week is going to be busy so I will drip a few more here and there and who knows we may have more out of bounds counting along the way:
#78 twist on signed overflow is undefined behavior assuming LP64

uint16_t x = std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max();
uint16_t y = std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max();
auto z = x*y;

[conv.prom] eel.is/c++draft/conv.…

godbolt: godbolt.org/z/jwBlnc

h/t @Myriachan
@Myriachan #79 memcpy an 8-bit value to a bool and conditional operator


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