Yesterday, tomorrow, here, there,...It is always now. All is energy. Even thoughts are forms of energy waves floating. Technically I'm only a...
The identity of me is but a series of memories,In which my mind decides to narrate in order to create that feeling.
Remember it is always now.
The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is conserved.
In other words, energy can neither be...
Energy only transforms;
We are thus forever and death is but a blink. So,I ask why hurt? Why kill? Why hate? Why fear? Why war? Why the feelings of uneasiness if all is but a single form of energy entertaining itself? Can the state of the world change?
It seems as if darkness has always reigned over. We live on a planet amongst the system in a dark space. A planet amongst other planets rotating around the sun in the same fashion as electrons...
(Radio Silence-Write at home)