M = [A, B;
C, D]
where A and D are square matrices (though B and C may be rectangular).
(A+b c^T) x = f
If we introduce a new variable z = c^T x, we get a block 2-by-2 system in x and z.
M = [A, b; c', -1]
u = [x; z]
h = [f; g]
(1+c' inv(A) b) z = c' inv(A) f
Back-substitute z to get the Sherman-Morrison update.
Ax = b
with a zero in the jth entry of x, we solve Mu = h with
M = [A, ei; ej, 0]
u = [x; y]
h = [b; 0]
where ei, ej are the ith / jth columns of the identity.
M = [I, A; A', d*I]
u = [r; x]
h = [b; 0]
corresponds to a regularized least squares problem
min norm(Ax-b)^2 + d^2 norm(x)^2
where r = b-Ax is the residual. Eliminating r gives the usual normal equations.
M = [0, A; A', 0],
which I think of as the Golub-Kahan matrix; the eigenvalues / vectors of this matrix encode the singular values / vectors of A.
minimize f(x) = x' A x / 2 - b' x subject to c' x = d
The minimizer (assuming A is positive definite) satisfies Mu = h where
M = [A, c; c', 0]
u = [x; y]
h = [b; d]
M = [I, 0; -C*inv(A), I] * [A, B; 0, S]
where S = D-C*inv(A)*B is the Schur complement. If we let P = inv(M), then the (2,2) submatrix of P (partitioned as with M) is P22 = inv(S).