The NC averaged a Debt to Revenue of about 150% with Plateau State accounting for the highest at 193%. followed by Nasarawa State. Plateau also accounts for the highest in the zone in the number of unemployed persons at 620,815. #UnemploymentTimeBomb

In the NE, Adamawa & Bauchi top the list in terms of debt to revenue at 214% & 209% respectively. Only Yobe State has a debt to revenue lower than 100%. Not surprisingly, Borno accounts for the highest unemployment figures of 775,063 and rate of 31.4%. #UnemploymentTimeBomb

Debt to revenue averaged at 107% with Kaduna topping the list at 157%. Kano tops the list in terms of unemployed at 1,257,130 & 31.3%. Katsina has the lowest unemployment rate at 14%. Jigawa, Katsina & Sokoto all have debt to rev rates lower than 100%. #UnemploymentTimeBomb

Debt to revenue in the SE averaged 134% with Imo as the highest. Imo also accounts for the highest number of unemployed at 880,351 followed by Abia at 639,714. Only Anambra has a debt to revenue ratio lower than 100% meaning it has more revenue than debt #UnemploymentTimeBomb

Debt to revenue in the SW averaged 232% with the highest from Osun at over 500% (higher than the DMO threshold of 350%). Ekiti comes next with 328% just barely missing the 350% mark. Lagos and Ogun make up over 53% of the unemployment. #UnemploymentTimeBomb
