Upside: I can close 900 browser tabs now
Story below misses a huge detail, though 1/n
This is accurate re: Forbes & HuffPo. It's NOT what happened at National Review, tho 2/n
It reads like a profile of a devilishly fascinating man-of-science named Jeffrey Epstein
page 1:…
page 2:…
She is, according to the only other article she ever published at @NRO, the daughter of William F. Buckley's lifelong best friend:…
However, at some point btw March 5, 2015 and June 10, 2015, her byline was amended to DELETE the disclaimer about her affiliation to Epstein 🤔🤔🤔

(cc: @tiffkhsu)

1. Original disclaimer still present on March 5, 2015:…
2. And gone with the wind by June 10, 2015:…
Christina Galbraith's father was ambassador to France under Reagan and is essentially Conservative royalty!!
The hell was going on w her shilling for Epstein?
But here's a big story that broke in that exact time period, about Galbraith's employer, the Epstein foundation:…