One day, he sent his son, down to the village where his people lived. This son was also king, equal with his father.
He was known as Yeshua HaMashiach. The Son-King. Jesus the Christ.
One day, he climbed a mountain and began to speak to his people.
"You are the SALT of the earth," he said.
For the world, you will be the antiseptic that kills the bacteria of selfishness, lust, anger, pride, abuse, ego, wickedness, self-righteousness, and perversions.
Be salt.
For the world, you will be the ones who heal the earth, bring peace, joy, laughter,
Be salt.
For the world, you will be the Preservative. Who through the sharing of the Gospel of Christ Jesus, will bring long life to the inhabitants of the earth.
For the world, you will be the flavour; the ones who give taste to the lives of many souls who are lacklustre and without direction. Through you, they will find peace, love God, themselves and their neighbours, be wise and walk in truth.
This is what the Son-King said.
But they soon tired of spreading.
"Surely," they thought. "Do we need to go about spreading salt? Can we not salt the earth from where we are?"
Christ Glorious Chapel.
Jesus of Nazareth Ministries.
Kingdom of Jéhovah Sharp Sharp International Ministries, a.k.a The Ultimate Solution Centre.
Every now and then, through evangelism programs and 3-day outreaches, they went out
The salt began to identify themselves by their containers, rather than as brothers in Yeshua.
I am an Ambassador!
Catholic Forever!
Methodist till I die!
* *
Many forgot the Son-King's words and became preoccupied with making money, driving big cars and building magnificent saltshakers for themselves. In doing so, they slowly lost their saltiness.
Having lost their taste and power, they sought other ways to stay relevant.
"We need to bring the world to us," they said. "How can we attract them?"
"It's a youth program. Play Pana by Techno. That will attract the young people. Then we can ministain - minister to, as well as entertain them."
They organized several programs and gave them pretty tags and banners.
"Night of a Thousand Miracles and Wonders."
"My Father, My Father, Who Stole My Wedding Gown?"
"Night of Deliverance: Needed in the City, But Held Back in The Village."
They concocted new gospel.
"Buy this anointing oil, anointed by the Man ah Gad!"
"Sow a seed to unlock God's blessings."
"Tithe or it shall be tight for you."
'Judge not, for you shall be judged.'
This meant, do not point others to their errors, nor tell them the truth.
If the Chief Salter sinned, the message became "Touch not my anointed."
They abandoned Yeshua's words and turned to prophecies, signs and divinations. Souls hungered for truth but the pulpit shared sermons on business, subservience to leaders, money and self.
"It doesn't matter if you cheat. God helps those who help themselves. The end justifies the means."
A few salt grains still shared and daily lived by the Son-King's words. But they were
They desired change but wished to remain the same.
They will be unloving and unforgiving; slander others and have no self-control.
They will act religious, but will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!"
---2nd Timothy 3:5