The judge recently ordered the parties to come up with a trial date today, but scheduling aside, will we also learn more about Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged incident and suicide watch in MCC?
I’ll be covering the Epstein hearing live for @CourthouseNews.
(Start on page 11 here)…

Speaking generally, many inmates on suicide watch must wear smocks like these, made of tough material that can't be contorted into a long, thin object.…
"Part of the reason why that’s true is that so many of the people in the system are the products of abuse," he noted.
"Rates of childhood and adult trauma are high among incarcerated persons."
Proposed trial date would be June 2020. Four to six weeks, carrying into July.
Epstein's counsel proposes trial after Labor Day 2020.
Judge Berman said he could accommodate either proposal.
"We do think it makes sense at this juncture to set a firm trial date," she says.
Oral argument for motions scheduled for Oct. 28, 2019 at 10 a.m.
Hearing adjourned without new details on the alleged incident.
We'll learn more about exact timing in the future.

Fine, fine. My write-up on a double-byline with colleague @JRuss_JRuss here.…