step 1 ... pay down technical debt
step 2 ...
step 3 .. PROFIT
i.e. the engineers are usually dying to do it, even their managers may be board, yet it can get bumped indefinitely.…
if you're trying to win an argument, bring graphs.
you know your own problems better than any vendor. trust the vendors who aren't trying to take you out of the driver's seat.
allspaw said it best:…
if you're trying to modernize your architecture, make on call suck less, put software engineers on call, or make your systems more resilient: your very first step should be observability.
@el_bhs refutes it best:…
this means read-time querying over raw events, yada yada.
before you get all fancy with your chaos engineering, or your microservices, or your orchestration and meshes, whatever -- wouldn't it be cool if you could just, like, see what you're doing?
this means translating our needs and priorities into other languages, specifically the universal corporate language of dollars and cents.
need proof? look at how much easier it is to get a headcount than sign a $200k vendor bill, despite this being flamingly irrational.
data wins arguments. graphs win arguments. observability *gets you* the data and graphs to win the arguments.
it's about the catastrophic consequences of our industry's failure to communicate about what it is we do and why it matters.
and that, my friends, is why you should stop putting it off.
stop thinking monitoring is the same, or good enough. and make observability a priority for your org.
stop taking numbers so seriously. other teams treat corporate-money numbers like the handwavey guesstimates that they are; engineers get like biblical literalists, all hung up on how many animals the Ark could hold.