2.5% increase in salary: $271,342.85 (from $264,724.72)
Boulder’s city manager salary is 10.31% higher than average on the Front Range (of 12 cities) but other compensation is lower, so 4.68% higher than average total
She also has more tenure (11 years vs 7.33 years, on average)
2.5% increase in salary: $229,406.93 (from $223,811.64)
Salary is 13.63% higher than Front Range average, but lower compensation, so 9.89% higher total overall compensation
Carr also has more yrs on the job (9) than avg (6.11)
4% increase in salary: $174,193.03 (from $167,493.30)
Salary is 6.52% higher than Front Range average, but other compensation is lower. Overall total compensation is 4.77% higher than average
1-4 (Does Not Meet Expectations) = 0% increase
5-6 (Meets Core Responsibilities) = 1% increase
7-8 (Fully Meets our High Expectations)= 2.5% increase
9-10 (Exceeds Our High Expectations) = 4% increase
"Thank you for all your hard work. It's not without controversy. The community appreciates it, whether they know they do or not." (Weaver)
"Public service is the highest calling, I believe. I love this community; it's been a pleasure to work with this council." (Brautigam)
But everyone votes for raises except Carlisle. Doesn't say why.