Tonight on the @CNN#climateforum, Democratic candidates will talk through their plans to rapidly transition our country to clean energy. We’re guessing we’ll hear a lot about #renewables & carbon pricing. But what will they say about #nuclear energy?
Will anyone point out that, considering the scale of the challenge, we should get rid of fossil fuels before even thinking about getting rid of nuclear?
Will they remind people that #nuclear power has been the fastest way to decarbonize we’ve ever seen, and perhaps, considering the urgency of #climatechange we should be using more of it?
Will they say anything about how #nuclear requires the least amount of mining of any low-carbon power source, which means it has the smallest impact on natural habitats and freshwater?
Also-- does @BernieSanders still think it was the right move to close Vermont Yankee early, despite it causing emissions to jump in VT by 16% the next year (the highest increase in the country?)…@andersoncooper
The #climateforum is in #NYC, which gets a full 90% of its low-carbon power from Indian Point nuclear plant. Indian Point is being forced to close by @andrewcuomo
Will @CoryBooker give nuclear a little kudos for making the electricity in his state of New Jersey about one half carbon free since the 70s, or how the recent closure of one of the NJ’s plants was replaced mostly by fossil fuels? @DonLemon#climateforum
Will @AndrewYang talk about how #thorium is both a promising fuel,and a byproduct of mining for rare earths, which we need for wind, EVs and more, and of which China has a global monopoly that stifles US advanced manufacturing? #climateforum#YangGang
Will @JoeBiden talk about the tragedy of the early closure of Three Mile Island at the end of this month, simply because fracking makes gas cheap and it’s free to pollute? PA will lose over 700 jobs and 800MW of clean power. @andersoncooper#climateforum
Will anyone talk about the limitations of energy storage, and how we-really-oughta-have-low-carbon-baseload (as France, Sweden, & Ontario do.) Equivalent of 1 barrel of oil in Tesla batteries would cost $250,000 and weigh over 20,000 pounds.…@ManhattanInst
Will anyone have the courage to say that we haven’t really seen data that high penetrations of intermittent clean energy like wind and solar significantly cut carbon? Nuclear and hydro on the other hand, plenty of evidence #climateforum thx @GrantChalmers
Will anyone mention that #nuclear energy is the best way to get rid of nuclear weapons? In fact, got rid of 20,000 bombs worth of Uranium from 1993-2013, making ~30% of the US’s carbon free electricity in the process… #climateforum
Will any of the candidates speak to the low cost of #nuclear power around the world, and discuss how we can address that in the US so that we’ll have our best shot at cutting carbon? #climateforum
Will anyone point out that fossil fuel companies have been sowing fear and doubt about nuclear energy for the last 40 years because they see it as the biggest threat to their existence? #climateforum
And finally-- will anyone talk about the immense potential of advanced reactors to not only help decarbonize electricity, but also make carbon neutral synthetic fuels to decarbonize flight & desalinate water to protect us from drought? #climateforum
And yeah, we've heard of #Fukushima, #Chernobyl Chernobyl, etc... Even with those accidents, nuclear power is still the safest form of electricity production.
And the waste? All of it would fit in a single Walmart, and is recyclable in the next generation of reactors. Or we could cheaply store it underground using horizontal drilling techniques like the forward thinking women at are proposing. Lots of options.
We can do this, but we need to check the ideology at the door, keep an open mind, and be pragmatic about our climate #solutions. Let's #UniteBehindTheScience and solve this thing! Thanks again to @CNN for hosting this important discussion! Looking forward to #ClimateForum2020
@elizabethwarren .@ewarren definitely did not talk about how decarbonization is cheaper with nuclear. We hope she reads this report and re-considers. We know she loves science!
@BernieSanders@andersoncooper Bernie just took a big swig of nuclear hate-orade. No bueno if we actually want to limit warming to 1.5C. I'm sure the unions were paying attention as well.
@andrewcuomo@ChrisCuomo Not a once was Indian Point mentioned. It's a damn shame considering how many emissions that plant is prevented over its lifetime. #ClimateTownHall
@CoryBooker@donlemon@CoryBooker was the hands down winner-- he had the knowledge and the courage to stand up for nuclear power.
@AndrewYang .@AndrewYang didn't mention this aspect, but he did say that we needed nuclear at least *for now*. Expect him to evolve when he realizes what a killer app nuclear could be. #ClimateTownHall
@GrantChalmers Nobody brought this up-- and it's too bad. 99.9% of democrats seem to have the false perception that this has been shown to work somewhere. Nope. Germany tried it. You need baseload low-carbon.
In Taiwan a heroic act of pro-nuclear environmentalism occurring, RIGHT NOW. Please read & RT this thread, as very few outside of Taiwan know of this struggle. Shih-Hsiu Huang, a Taiwanese pro-nuclear activist managed to organize a group of over 300 volunteers... #energytwitter
and collect the necessary 280,000 signatures to place a referendum to repeal Taiwan’s nuclear phase out law on this November’s ballot. Every day after work, 300+ volunteers spent hours collecting the names, phone numbers, & addresses of hundreds of thousands of supporters.
Finally at the beginning of September, after nearly 3 months of incredible volunteer work, they passed the 280k threshold to get placed on the Nov. ballot, and were hoping to add as many extra signatures as possible to account for some being invalidated on technicalities.