This is called extortion. “Give me what I want or I will force the nation back to the polls, costing taxpayers millions.”
I’m not sure extortion is the best campaign strategy, but its extortion nonetheless.
It’s also referred to as obstructionism. “Give me what I want or I shut the government down.”
And we now have video confirmation of Elizabeth May’s adoption of authoritarian & libertarian strategies to extort compliance to GPC policy.…

Democracy is built on cooperation and concession. But by willing participants. Dictators extort policy.
It matters not what is at stake. Existential or not.
The balance of power would be in the hands of as few as 5-7 MP’s and at max 10-15% of the population.
The current GPC leader openly admitting extortion of her demands from whomever wins the expected minority government.
Look it up. That’s the definition of an autocratic dictator.
The true motive for NDP and GPC animus towards Trudeau re: Proportional Representation is obvious.
We have a choice before us. The biggest choice we will likely make in our lifetime.
Democracy. Or Dictatorship.
Pick a side.
You either believe in & value democracy OR you respond to fear, lies, smears & choose benevolent or malevolent dictatorship.
Lies, disinformation, hasn’t got a commitment to progressive ideology or democracy for that matter.
Enough said.