✅ VOTES NO on Kavanaugh
✅ Mainers for Accountable Leadership funds her future opponent
Pledge to help get Collins out of office in 2020 if she doesn’t stand with constituents;
Please RT 🖲
Who says the GOP doesn’t care about women?
Chill the hysteria ladies!
Republican Sen. Ben Sasse (NE) is here to mansplain: Women’s Concerns About Losing Their Constitutional #ReproRights are just “HYSTERIA”
▪️Everything’s Fine
▪️Except Democrats who’ve descended into “mob rule”
▪️Democrats obstruct
▪️Stop squawking about documents
| Slate
#HystericalDemocrats 👈🏼
Kavanaugh should be vetted not aided and abetted.


In 2011 the GOP golden boy, BRETT KAVANAUGH, made installing an American president easier for Russia —and holding Russians accountable much harder for #Mueller, by gutting laws preventing foreign influence in US elections 🇷🇺
... Kavanaugh appeared not to remember.
Seems like #TrumpRussia probe shoulda stirred up memories...??

Kamala Harris And Brett Kavanaugh Had A Very Weird Exchange At His Confirmation Hearing About The Mueller Investigation
Now Kavanaugh shows signs of #Russiamnesia!
So weird. 🧠
| BuzzFeed News

Democrats made me feel proud.
My #ThursdayThoughts:
Elect more democrats — the only good guys!
Save Roe v. Wade!

Kavanaugh paved the way for Russia to manipulate the 2016 election by graciously gutting laws preventing foreign influence in US elections.
But why?
Let’s light ☎️ up her phones! 📞
Kavanaugh wrote a dissent that circumvented Roe v. Wade denying Jane Doe relief (a frightened minor impregnated by a rapist). Aside from not following settled law, that’s ABUSIVE.
Kavanaugh also believes an employer should be able to override a woman’s access to birth control.
That’s dehumanizing.

PLEASE DEMAND SENATE re-open the #Kavanaugh hearings to explore whether his emails may be in Putin’s hands in light of Comey’s confirmation that Russia hacked Smartech’s server.
See this whole thread.
| Slate

| Time
#NeverForget 🚫

🛑 #StopKavanaugh
Rochelle Garza the lawyer who represented JANE DOE, an immigrant teenager in her fight to get an abortion explained why she testified against Kavanaugh
| Business Insider
🛑 #StopKanavaugh

▪️JANE completed the expansive Texas requirements and secured a court order permitting an abortion and prohibiting US Gov’t interference.
➖US Gov’t sought a stay of the order.
(which seems weird.)
JUDGE KAVANAUGH HEARD THEIR CASE and issued an order further delaying any relief for JANE DOE — under the guise of finding her a sponsor.
And that’s just abusive⚠️

▪️He ignored JANE DOE’s constitutional liberty, autonomy and personal dignity, for no justifiable governmental reason.
▪️The further delays he ordered would likely fall beyond the 20-week time limit under TX laws.

Opposing Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Nomination to the Supreme Court.
| via @KamalaHarris
DEMAND that the vote on his nomination be paused pending that review.
When Bill Clinton lied under oath, Congress voted to impeach him⚠️
8 current US Senators voted to impeach president Bill Clinton for lying under oath and obstructing justice in 1995.
WE NEED TO KNOW if Putin has kompromat on Judge Kavanaugh.
REPORTING:📞 gross judicial injustice:
stolen SCOTUS seat, courtstacking, partisan-cleansing of a nominee’s record b4 hearing...

We need to shutoff the dark💰spigot that bought McConnell’s loyalty. Restore the “regular order” and confidence with transparency and deliberation.
🗣 Public officials who serve honorably have no reason to hide or lie about their record.

“Don’t let him sit on the Supreme Court.”
🛑 #StopKavanaugh
We’ll take the abusive sexual predator promoted by Putin, #StacktheCourts, seat #BrettKavanaugh on SCOTUS and overturn #RoevWade! 👠

ACTIVISTS RAISED $1 MILLION to defeat Susan Collins if she votes for #BrettKavanaugh
💵She says it’s bribery.
💵What do call #CitizensUnited @SenatorCollins? 🤦🏻♀️
| Washington Post
🛑 #StopKavanaugh

@SenatorCollins : 202-224-2523
@lisamurkowski : 202-224-6665
Brett Kavanaugh said he would kill Roe v. Wade last week and almost no one noticed
— “all roads lead to the Glucksberg test ...”

| The Hill

Why Brett Kavanaugh Must Not Be Confirmed
| Opinion
🚩Everybody on the inside knows what's going on here.
🚩If Kavanaugh is confirmed, it will be due to a process that has violated all prevailing norms
| Newsweek

So, #ShePersisted ... ☎️ (202) 224-3121📞
🗣 New poll shows Kavanaugh IS NOT a key issue for undecided voters in five red states:
FL, MI, IN, WV, and ND
🚩So please vote against Kavanaugh.
🚩There won’t be much backlash⚠️