Normally, big orders from China are for quarter beef (* A *) - cheaper to process in China. Boned * A * beef orders would mostly be handled by abattoirs with offices in China (JBS, Teys)
Thus 80-100 containers (160 animals per container on the cut spec they are looking for) for delivery before year end (on the water no later than December 4) and still meet existing contracts for other export
Many parts of the main cattle areas in Australia are in drought and as we head into the spring, farmers are on the look out for
Into an expectant market comes this small order (only really 16,000 head).
Thus our concern. In and of itself, this is a nothing order. It is just hitting a supply constrained market (drought) which could easily tip into tighter supply with rain (withholding supply to fatten animals and get a better price) which
Hell no - this will be passed on to the consumer in some form.