‘Someone’s Gotta Tell the Freakin’ Truth’: Jerry Falwell’s Aides Break Their Silence
More than two dozen current and former Liberty University officials describe a culture of fear and self-dealing at the largest Christian college in the world.
Falwell and his wife consolidated power at LU and how Falwell presides over a culture of self-dealing, directing university resources into projects and real estate deals in which his friends and family have stood to make personal financial gains.
in the run-up to Trump’s campaign, Cohen hired John Gauger, a LU employee who runs a private consulting firm, to manipulate online polls in Trump’s favor.
Not previously reported is the fact that when Gauger traveled to NYC to collect payment from Cohen, he was
“Everybody is scared for their life. Everybody walks around in fear,” said a current LU employee who agreed to speak only after purchasing a
The fear is not limited to Liberty’s campus. Several people who lack any tie to Liberty but live in the school’s hometown of Lynchburg, VA, refused to go on the record for this story, fearing Falwell would
Many of the people who werer interviewed are Trump supporters which adds a sense of wierdness:
“We’re talking about the difference between right and wrong,” a current high-ranking university
“Until Big Jerry died, you wouldn’t have known [Becki] if she walked up and slapped you,” “Big Jerry dies, and all of a sudden, [if] you’re walking down the hall and
LU has transformed under Jr.’s leadership. When he took over as pres in 2007, the school, which is nonprofit 😶, had listed assets of just over $259M on its then most recent
That growth is driven largely by a vast increase in the number of online students at the school, who now number some 95,000
Experts on tax law and nonprofit organizations said that having the pres of a nonprofit univ directing unive business to a company led by his son would be troubling
“It raises red flags to have your kids being able to profit off the activities of the organization,”
During the trip, photos were taken of Jerry and Trey partying at a Miami nightclub—photos that multiple LU officials said Jerry tried to make disappear

“A 501(c)(3) organization trying to influence a poll so that a candidate’s fortunes are promoted or demoted is not permitted,”
Longtime Liberty officials told me the he has shown or texted his male confidants—including at least one employee who worked for him at LU—photos of his wife in provocative and sexual poses.
@threadreaderapp unroll please