Pics 2-4: Pinned & recent tweets from Jennifer Bryson (note interview with Douglas Murray, British conservative journalist, author, commentator; strong & frequent critic of Islam, "identity politics," "victimhood," & more)

>"a lifetime toxic chemicals & mutilating surgeries"

Pic 4: MercatorNet's "ideals" (mercatornet.com/info/our_ideals)

Pic 2: Media Bias/Fact Check on MercatorNet (mediabiasfactcheck.com/mercatornet/)
Pics 3-4: Parts of recent article from MercatorNet questioning whether conversion therapy is actually harmful to "people who ID as transgender" (mercatornet.com/mobile/view/do…)

Says it's for "supporting gender diverse & trans-identified students in schools." "Trans-identified" is a descriptor to look out for, as in "TIM"/"TIF."

>"unprecedented number of teenage girls suddenly self-identifying as 'trans' (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria or ROGD)"
>"some whose own children have self-diagnosed as 'trans'"
>"recent theories of 'transgenderism'"

>"'brave' and 'supportive'"
>"When worried parents seek information online they inevitably come across sites that reinforce (and even glamourise) the notion of the transgender child."

- distrust/disregard of medical consensus, drs, therapists, reputable sources of info in favor of fringe sources
- claims I was lying, regurgitating "scripts" I'd been given/found online (I wasn't)
- excessive, unwarranted fear
- rewriting of history to justify how I wasn't really trans/had developed "rapid-onset gender dysphoria"
- ended in fighting, trauma, painful estrangement from parents
If true, @DailyMailUK needs to answer for this. You gave a lot of people the wrong impression, not to mention putting Charlie Evans in a pretty lousy spot.

The study's own author has spoken out against this kind of BS.


I'd recommend checking out the Minnesota Family Council's website. They're very clear on where they stand: mfc.org

>"advancing biblical truth in the public square"
Pics 2-4: recent tweets from MFC

The Kelsey Coalition & co. can say they're not anti-LGBTQ+ all they want, but their actions speak volumes.