Trump’s WORLDWIDE Effect on the Global Reproductive Rights of Women
Trump and his conservative Christian-centric administration are using positions of authority to impose religious policies on long-established reproductive rights that put women around the world at risk.

since, Trump has taken up the cause with renewed vigor.
Every time the global gag has been reimposed by a Republican president, rates of back street and self-administered abortions have increased.
Under Trump, the Mexico City policy has been renamed “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance” and applies ever stricter regulations against women, causing Sexual Health organizations across the globe to warn that/
the new, archaic policies do nothing but deny the most basic family planning services to countries most in need.
First, let it be known that YOU are morally responsible and obligated to care for these children that YOU brought into this world. How will YOU treat them?
If these children end up refugees seeking asylum, will YOU welcome them?

Will YOU allow these children who YOU brought into the world access to contraceptives and reproductive healthcare? Will they have bodily autonomy?
What if they are Muslim or denounce Christianity? What will YOU then tell your progeny?
Countries Currently Affected
Most outreach services stopped.
Forced to return US trucks used for medical care to the US Agency for International Development (USAid).
Fewer reproductive services are allocated across the country after most funding was cut.
Within months of banning pregnant girls from attending school, medical providers say “they were seeing teenage girls coming in having tried to self-abort. Being pregnant, they couldn’t go to school, so they tried to take matters into their own hands.”
🚫Worldwide Funding to Women Denied by Trump and his GOP🚫
-Contraceptive Services
-Zika Information
-Maternal Health
-Antenatal Care
-Reproductive Cancers
-HIV Prevention
-HIV Treatment
Donate to Planned Parenthood…
Donate to SheDecides:
“WHEN SHE DECIDES, the world is better, stronger, safer.”………
(*Not an assault on Christianity, but rather the hypocrisy that runs rampant therein.)