March 14, 2017, five years after we asked @TheJusticeDept to go after our child's killer, a US Federal criminal complaint was unsealed with a warrant for #AhlamTamimi’s arrest. The charges had been under seal since July 15, 2013. Why? Good question.

US officials told us the same day that Jordan is obliged under a 1995 treaty to extradite #Tamimi - and was refusing. Less than a week later, its highest court ruled the Jordan/US treaty had been invalid under Jordan's law since the day it was signed.

Jordan, which now says the extradition treaty was never valid, has extradited terrorists to the US every time it was asked. Why's the #AhlamTamimi case different? Some say because most of her victims were Jewish children making her a Jordanian hero.

US gov't rewards are almost invariably put on the heads of @FBIMostWanted terrorists. None was offered for #Tamimi. We tried to speak with the relevant US gov't officials. They've never once responded. After 9 months, a $5M reward emerged. Why? No idea.