We start with the "spaceships porn" shot of the day. And there are VERY old ships in this "Freedom fleet".

A (long) thread:
@AdmiralNick22 or anyone, if you have any ideas...
I'm going to do sport.
16/ CR90 corvette (Star Wars, 1977)
17/ BTA-NR2 Y-wing (SW9, 2019)
18/ A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter (Return of the Jedi, 1983) (or B-Wing MkII ?)
19/ RZ-2 A-wing interceptor (The Last Jedi).
20/ The "Something-Something" (SW9).

Originally a fan design by Ansel Hsiao.

Tell me if you have ideas.
@mel_miniatures you'll soon have a lot of work XD

And a lot of Hammerheads: the First Order fleet should be crushed XD