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#Stuttgart (#BadenWürttemberg) #S2005
#Demo #Demonstration #Protest

#Politik und #Medien Hand in Hand - Das schadet unserem Land

#Rede von: Wolfgang Kochanek-#Unternehmer


#Gastapo #Stasi #Meldestelle #Steuerzahler #Gender #Greenpeace
#Stuttgart (#BadenWürttemberg) #S2005
#Demo #Demonstration #Protest

#Politik und #Medien Hand in Hand - Das schadet unserem Land

#Rede von: Wolfgang Kochanek-#Unternehmer


#DUH #Falschparker #ChatKontrolle #Ampelr #DDR2 #Richter
#Stuttgart (#BadenWürttemberg) #S2005
#Demo #Demonstration #Protest

#Politik und #Medien Hand in Hand - Das schadet unserem Land

#Rede von: Wolfgang Kochanek-#Unternehmer


#Freisler #Todesurteil #Justiz #Verwaltung #Ballweg
Read 25 tweets
1🧵In July of 2021 the #G20 presented a report called "A Global Deal for our Pandemic Age" a High-Level Independent Panel on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response.……
2🧵 The dozens of participants concluded that to solve these threats that we need to implement a global governance & financing mechanism, give the #WHO, #NGO's and think tanks more power all under the allure of sustainable global cooperation. Image
3🧵The G20, called upon all the earmarks of a typical #onehealthinitive and #NWO approach. The people involved come from:the #BMGF, The Global Virome Project, Eco Health Alliance, CEPI, WHO, #Metabiota, #WEF, #Moderna, Facebook, #Gavi.. (cont..) ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
How to Research Western "Soft Power" Media Influence

A 🪡

Western governments, corporations, and NGOs devote a lot of resources to "research," "experts," and narrative control.

Of course, other governments do it too, but at this point others are pretty clearly labeled, and those governments being bad is drilled into our minds.

In some instances, someone may seem like a "#glowie" [fed] but it is impossible to prove.

However, ours is not a subtle age, and the Western soft power machine considers themselves the "good guys," so they commonly don't even obscure their activities; they boast of them

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An out and out Anti India document full of lies ..!!!

1. Amnesty International the so-called UK-based "World's Best NGO" published its annual human rights report which Amnesty international deems as unbiased and truthful. When one goes through it, it reeks of selective hypocritic lopsided details full of politically correct……
2. Exactly three days after the expulsion of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi from the parliament basis his conviction in a defamation case filed against him is the court at Surat, Gujarat, this report has been released by Amnesty International dubbing a Parliament of India advisory to……
Read 13 tweets
#Menschenrecht #Wasser 💧
Das Logo am Bedienmodul gehört einer Firma der #NGO
#TheWaterProject in deren Vorstand ein ehemaliger #CocaCola-Leader sitzt.…
#Weltwasserforum in #Afrika:
(K)ein Recht auf Wasser?
#Nairobi - 22.03.22

"Auch die #Privatisierung von #Wasser spielt eine Rolle - wenn #Konzerne wie #Nestlé oder #CocaCola sich Zugang zu Wasser sichern und es dann in #Plastikflaschen teuer verkaufen."

Die Generalversammlung erkennt das Recht auf einwandfreies und sauberes #Trinkwasser und Sanitärversorgung als ein #Menschenrecht an, das unverzichtbar für den vollen Genuss des Lebens und aller Menschenrechte ist

#UNResolution 64/292, Juli 2010…

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On #WomensDay2023, not a single tweet from any woman among 1.3 bn people India who thought it was worthy to pay respect to the 1 man who fought with the British machinery to
1) Sponsor & be the 1st signatory on the Widow remarriage Act
2) Build 59 schools in 1 year in #Bengal
(2/n) and 29 schools exclusively for women when women were banned from attending schools
3) 7 of these schools were English medium when women of India were banned from attending English medium schools
4) Hitkari Sabha (1868)- Asia's 1st #NGO specially set up to empower women....
(5/n) and make them independent and self sufficient
5) Set up India's first English Medium College - #BethuneCollege that set the tone for ALL women colleges in India
6) Proposed setting up of #CalcuttaUniversity that could be the 1st University in India producing some of....
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See my latest report to get caught up on key points of discussion from the second session last September.…
Session Chair @Tumlleh opens with a call to shoulder our collective responsibility with awareness of urgency to address threats to space systems. #SpaceThreatsOEWG
The Chair notes that there can be no progress if we see this as a struggle b/w different groups and interests. Our discussion is not about opposition, but a GLOBAL issue that affects all countries and persons. #SpaceThreatsOEWG
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Neues vom #Korruptionsskandal der #Sozialdemokraten im #EU Parlament ein Thread
1. Nicht nur #Qartar #Marokko nein auch #Mauretanien hat Bestechungsgelder bezahlt. #Georgi hat ein weiteres Geständnis abgelegt,
2. Was unvermeidbar war, da die mutmaßlich kriminelle Gruppe der S&D überwacht wurde. Die #NGO von Panzeri wurde nur gegründet um Bestechungsgelder zu kassieren, eine Art Argentur für bezahlte Beziehungen zu Abgeordneten. Die Gelder wurden bar in Paris übergeben mit Codewörtern.
3. Georgis gesamte Familie steht unter Verdacht, ebenso die Familie von Panzeri und die Familie von Kaili. Die Spanier haben Offshore Konten in Panama entdeckt, mit insgesamt 28 Millionen auf die Namen von Kailis Familie. Die Daten wurden schon an Belgien übermittelt.
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Een vreemde ontwikkeling in #Bloemendaal doet voor nu de heer Prins van Stichting Middenduin, voorstander van versmallen Zeeweg tot een baan en lagere maximumsnelheid v 60km/u wil, zich plots opwerpt als gesprekspartner met wethouder Wijkhuizen #D66 , om geluidsoverlast namens . ImageImage
de inwoners van Overveen, meer in het bijzonder degene die aan de #N200 wonen, te bespreken. Hier lijkt mij een geval van conflicterende belangen. De heer Prins niet woonachtig in de bebouwde kom v Overveen, is geen belanghebbende. Ook is het niet juist om te stellen dat bewoners
met plannen moeten komen of #geluidsoverlast moeten aangeven. Dat staat keurig in #Geluidskaarten Bloemendaal vermeldt. Ik wil wethouder Wijkhuisen erop attenderen dat de heer Prins niet namens de inwoners v Overveen spreekt niet namens omwonenden v N200 in bebouwde kom Overveen
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1/3 🇩🇪 German government (past and present) is fully aware of PULL FACTOR and NGO direct collusion with human smugglers in #Libya. Yet political nepotism and corruption in government circles are stronger than the legality. (see video 👇) #migrantcrisis
2/3 [cont] 🇩🇪 German Federal Parliament /Home Affairs Committee hearing on 04.11.2019 - Prof. Dr. Kay Hailbronner: PULL FACTOR & #NGO COOPERATION WITH SMUGGLERS IS FULLY INDISPUTABLE #migrantcrisis #seenotrettung @Ambtedesco @jamila_anna
3/3 [cont] The Protestant Church @ekd founded association @United4Rescue = "GREEN🌻 family-run business" = Common-law spouse: @GdThies (Executive board member) & @GoeringEckardt (Vice-President of German Fed. Parl., MP Green Party). #seenotrettung #United4Rescue
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"I used to do philanthropic work along with the job. Seeing young girls toiling for hours in the rubbish dumps for a living, I realised that something should be done for the underprivileged children too."

#Initiative #NGO #GoodDeeds #TheBetterIndia
Nandita Banerjee from Danapur, Bihar, then quit her bank manager job and worked for homeless children. She decided to open schools for impoverished girls and started the NGO 'Nai Dharti' in 2011.
Sister Nivedita Girls' School, run by the NGO in Maner block of Danapur's Sarai village, is now providing free education to 100 underprivileged girls who cannot afford school supplies.
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The idea that "environmental groups" are shocked over #CocaCola as sponsor of #COP27 is vacuous. If anything, this validates the vast corporate dominance accelerated over past 2.5 yrs, in tandem w/ #NGO "together" project of citizenry/state/corporation over past decade+.

#NPIC Image
To the corporate world & global finance, this is a signal, a nod, to the triumph of nature as a new asset class. Those with money will own nature.

#NetZero is not about climate or protecting nature, it is about financial markets.

#NaturePositive… Image
"...we would like to see you prioritise policies [] as part of a robust #netzero strategy... Acting now [] could [] deliver huge economic benefits... corps signing the letter are [] #CocaCola [] #BNP ... Supporting the letter [include] We Mean Business...…
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‘Caravan of Light’: Message From Smugglers

Syrian migrant smugglers say they are ready to departure and move more than 100,000 Syrians into Europe.

“We have decided to start the caravan without waiting the green light from the #EU. We are in contact with many local…”
“…. and international #NGO who will help us.

Everybody should come to Istanbul from their city of residence in #Turkey….”

in a way that doesn't attract much attention. We are already more than 100,000 in numbers….”

We will announce later today the point and date of the gathering from which we'll go to the Greek border….”

Desired destinations include:

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1) Two+ weeks of violence in #Shingal—following the Iraqi army mobilizing to force-implement the Sinjar Agreement—recently ended. Time for a THREAD on the reasons why the #Sinjar Agreement was unworkable from its inception, and why its implementation will harm the #Yazidi people.
2) Recap—In the past month: Masrour visited Erdogan; Turkey then subsequently launched a new anti-PKK campaign in Iraq ; Kadhimi simultaneously ordered the Iraqi army to mobilize against the #YBŞ, which produced two weeks of hostilities; thousands of #Yazidis were displaced; >
3) Iraq imprisoned two foreign journalists visiting Sinjar; Iran-aligned militias shelled the Turkish military base near Ba‘shiqa & Erbil-based oil installations; Kadhimi appointed Nineveh’s governor as acting head of Sinjar District and then reversed the appointment.
Read 123 tweets
BREAKING NEWS: USA - UKRAINE: Puppet Joe Biden received new orders from Obama and cabal mafia masters. WAKE UP: USA cabal mafia terrorists have been wrongly supporting non NATO member Ukraine with weapons for years ! NATO AND UKRAINE AT WAR WITH RUSSIA.
I am sure your next live show at 1pm, UK time, on Monday, 28th Feb will again reveal more truth about NATO AND UKRAINE AT WAR WITH RUSSIA. I feel this new £448m 'assistance' from USA will be mentioned. Watch at: @ukcolumn @21stCenturyWire
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1/🧵 Paul Farmer has died.

It is so heartbreaking 💔. Let us collectively mourn his passing - one of the greatest #PublicHealth figures in the history of Medicine.

His @PIH is a tribute to a kinder gentler way to love each other.

2/ Dr. Farmer started his vocation of #SocialJustice by serving the beautiful people of Haiti, the world’s 1st Black republic. He looked in their eyes & saw their needs…HIV, malaria, Tb, hunger, poverty, neglect.

In response he took action…

(paintings below by my daughter)
3/ Paul Farmer is the central figure in Kidder’s 📚 “Mountains Beyond Mountains.” If you haven’t read it, order now.

Through his drive and insights we learned to say “Yes” to bringing modern medicine to the most remote settings of human life on Earth 🌍
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With the shortest #UnionBudget, here are the quick pointers for India’s development journey as seen from the lens of the social development sector:

@shyamchivchiv @AshokGoelEP @mrugankmp @Nish4Impact @7Abhishekkumar @subhamize
Basic #HumanDevelopment needs: Food, House, Water, Education, and Health see a substantial increment in #BudgetAllocation, a welcome step towards building a #StrongerNation with #StrongFoundation. #BudgetSession2022 @sanjeevsanyal
Glad to see #UnionBudget2022 providing a vision for #India100 based on technology & sound foundation of #SocialDevelopmentGoals. Let’s forge that vision, and build the Bharat of our dreams. @NITIAayog #UnionBudgetUpdates #NGO #BudgetSession2022
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#Pakistan takes #NGO route to export terrorism to #India

Despite #Pakistan’s efforts to manipulate global civil society and human rights groups to indirectly support India’s separatist movement, financial trails and other digital evidence are ruining its design. Image
Investigations show that some so-called non-governmental organizations (NGOs) / trust rampant use to raise / receive funds in India and abroad in the name of philanthropy, and the execution of separatist and terrorist activities at J & K. It became clear to use the same for.
The tactics also included some frontline organizations operating primarily in violation of land law. JKCCS has been found to have no registration under FCRA (Foreign Channels Regulations Act) in India.
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وقت عزیزان بخیر
#خلاصه روم شاهپر
با تاخیر خدمت دوستان #پرنده_نگر
در خدمت اساتید خطه #اصفهان
/اتاق شاهپر درکلاب هاوس ۱۳ آذر/
#اصفهان ششمین استان بزرگ کشور نسبت به وسعت حدود ۱٠۷ هزار کیلومتر مربع و تنوع اقلیمی بسیار بالا، با ثبت حدود۲۸۲ گونه از پرندگان ، احتمالا بدلیل نو بودن بحث پرنده نگری دراین استان، بنظر میرسد که دارای تعداد بسیار بیشتر از این تعدادگونه ای که تاکنون ثبت شده ، باشد .
از دیدگاهی،ثبت گونه ها بمنظور اهداف حفاظتی، شایدبراساس مرز بندی های اجتماعی وسیاسی ما، عادلانه نباشد وحتی برای یک پرنده نگرمفهوم «گونه های یک اقلیم » بیشتر کاربرد دارد تا «گونه های یک استان ».اما از طرف دیگر همین ثبتهای استانی،
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397 organizations signed a letter urging IFIs to repurpose funds into Covid assistance for border communities and prisoners in #Burma. See our press release: and the full letter for more: #Altsean #Myanmar #Covid19 #MyanmarCoup
These funds were supposed to go to the democratically elected gov't in 2020 for #Covid relief and frozen after the coup, leaving hundreds of millions unspent. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar #Pandemic #NUG
Vulnerable communities urgently need #aid against #covid19. The junta is persecuting health workers and preventing medical distribution to those who need it most. #Burma #Myanmar #HumanRights #ICRC #NGO
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When multiple attempts to contact his local govt. authority went ignored, Hanumanth took the responsibility onto himself to clean up the streets of his village.
Having discovered that hoards of garbage littered his streets unchecked, he stepped out of his comfort zone and reached out to his local Panchayat authority to have it cleared.
Upon no response, Hanumanth planned a campaign with the children of his village who helped him and other volunteering community members clean up the garbage and dispose it.
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#IPCC: De bijdrage van werkgroep I aan 't 6de beoordelingsrapport, Aug. 2021.

#Klimaatverandering 2021:
de #Natuurwetenschappelijke basis.

#Persconferentie; #Live gestreamd op het IPCC #YouTube-kanaal.
10:00 CEST/CET. Maandag. 9 Aug.

In plaats van te zoeken naar de beste #Aanpassingen aan 't #Veranderende #Klimaat,
bedachten de #Foundations, #Denktanks, #Lobby-#Netwerken, daardoor #Gecorrumpeerde "#Wetenschappers, "#NGO's & daardoor geleidde #Actiegroepen 't #MEGALOMANE plan om 't #KLIMAAT ZELF aan te passen.
IPCC Press Conference Climate Change 2021:

the Physical Science Basis, the Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report

Live on Aug. 9, 10:00 CET/CEST:

via @YouTube
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Thanks to @steve_sedgwick & @cnbcKaren for having me on #CNBC #SquawkBox this AM.

What did we discuss? Well, #inflation of course!

I prepared some slides for the show which I'm happy to present in this thread.
#macro #Fed #Yellen #JeromePowell #bankofengland #QE
Are people in denial or is the #centralbank money flood just drowning all the signals?
#Commodities, #freight, #carbon - and a whole lot besides - sure do cost a lot more, these days.
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THREAD🧵 #MS13 Gangs💥

Joe Biden is on track to beat Barrack Obama flooding the USA with #MS13 Gang🤙 members and he's using your tax dollars - $3 Billion PLUS the after costs feeding, Medical, Schools, etc💰

Donald J Trump worked furiously to rid US🇺🇸 of Animals like #MS13 💥 Image
THREAD🧵 #MS13 Gangs💥

The notorious gang known as MS-13 became a focal point in President Donald Trump’s rhetoric on immigration, with the president citing the gang’s violence to call for a crackdown on borders and a ramp-up of deportations… 🤙 Image
THREAD🧵 #MS13 Gangs💥

WATCH👀In making the case for tougher immigration policies, President Donald Trump has time and again pointed to the threat from the violent street gang MS-13.… 🤙 Image
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