[Short thread.]
Evo Morales has what he can to subvert it by:
* Running for a third term because the "first term doesn't count."
* Calling a referendum to abolish term limits - which he lost.
* Having his loyalists on the Supreme Court annul term limits anyway.
To win in the first round, he needed 10% more than his competitor.
Constant updates from the electoral commission showed he was falling short. Then the updates suddenly stopped for 24 hours. When the official results were announced, he had won.
In response, the regime has opened fire, killing a number of protestors.
Is it perhaps because many of them reported on Morales fawningly for years, even as the authoritarian nature of his regime was becoming increasingly obvious?
[The End.]
Election monitors from the Organization of American States found that there were "clear manipulations" of the voting results, calling for new elections.
It looks as though Evo Morales has reluctantly agreed to them.
El Pueblo Unido...