🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
#regimechange #ProtectBolivia #ProtectDemocracy
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
@MaxBlumenthal discusses the far-right Christian extremist forces leading the military coup against elected #Bolivian President #EvoMorales, which had support from the #USA, #Brazil, & #Colombia.

#EvoMorales #BoliviaCoup #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado
@evoespueblo said.
🤬📢you are a MURDER, at the service of the Empire

"We have no sticks, we have no helmets, we have nothing, just this "whipala "
@JeanineAnez, shouldn't lie.
When there are 11 people killed & 62 injured on the protesters side & none on the police side - calling "confrontation" is immoral, they should call it a MASSACRE.

"Añez! You racist.
We want you to resign"
#NoAlGolpeEnBolivia #ElGolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #ThisIsACoup
@UN @UNHumanRights @IntlCrimCourt
and to join the voices of the world that denounce the #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
"I invite volunteer lawyers, human rights & criminal proceedings experts to collaborate in the legal defense of my massacred brothers, by the de facto government with the methods of military dictatorships."
-Evo Morales-
by Abu Faisal Sergio Tapia
All of the dead are protesters, all killed by the police. This is the propaganda Bolivians are subjected to."
🎧 Have a listen 🎧
Great podcast on media misrepresention of events in #Bolivia and the coup against #EvoMorales.
#Bolivia's interim president @JeanineAnez issued a decree exempting the armed forces from criminal liability during the crackdown in Bolivia. Watch🤨👇🏼

For this reason, I accuse @JeanineAnez for the massacre that took place in #Sacaba ,#Cochabamba, #Bolivia, on November 15th.
I ask that justice be done for the victims.

"Almagro is going to have to explain what happened in Bolivia," he said, referring to the preliminary report issued without any evidence
May the world see what the Bolivian media is hiding, so they wanted to @evoespueblo outside Bolivia so they could murder indigenous and peasants
#AnezGolpista has used her military to crush an indigenous uprising and kill civilians so shouldn’t you be declaring her self appointed rule illegitimate? Even your own media admit army killing people
-Evo Morales-
-Evo Morales-
The author also denounced the "silence of the main international media" in the face of the situation in the streets of the Andean country."
"The Government says it has not used force excessively"
Analysis:@ramirezjohan from #Bolivia
#Áñez #EvoMorales [ah]
@PauloAbrao "It is very clear that there is no leadership capable of promoting social mediation"
"They were repressed with firearms, with the discriminated use of tear gas"
@JennyPerezTV [ah]
"Honor and glory to the fallen. What do we ask for? Justice," tonight in Cochabamba for the nine dead.
@evoespueblo & tell him #NoAlGolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
@antonioguterres @CIDH
These images of soldiers patrolling and firing are not in Iraq, nor in Syria nor Afghanistan. It is in #Sacaba, #Bolivia, after #GolpeDeEstado against the government of @evoespueblo
Today, this happened in Laguna Alalay #Cochabamba
#ElMundoConEvo #ElMundoEstaConEvo #ElGolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #EvoNoEstasSolo
#EvoMiCasaEsTuCasa #EvoElMundoEstaContigo
#Bolivia #BoliviaResiste #GolpeDeEstadoEnBoliva #GolpeEnBolivia #GolpeDeEstadoNaBolivia #BoliviaCoup
#BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #EvoElMundoEstaContigo
Raw footage from #Sacaba captures the horrifying moment when thousands flee in panic after a Bolivian cop launches a tear gas canister and all the others immediately follow suit.
-Evo Morales-
-Evo Morales-
INTERVIEW: President Evo Morales on the Real Situation in #Bolivia.
Video in Spanish & English

Fantastic editorial from @NewFrame_News on the coup against the government of @evoespueblo in Bolivia, newframe.com/history-batter…. Should be read by all those who seek 'nuance' in such historical events.
#Nicaragua Mass mobilization in Managua rejecting the coup against Evo Morales in #Bolivia
Tender solidarity, necessary helping hand. 💜
#ElMundoConEvo #16Nov
Bernie stressed Bolivian President Evo drastically cut poverty, represented the Indigenous, and was overthrown in a COUP
Via @SandraChaher
Colegas periodistas de #Bolivia crearon este canal para generar Comunicación alternativa frente al intento de silenciamiento de los medios por parte de quienes hoy usurpan el poder
Via @SandraChaher
Colleagues journalists of Bolivia created this channel to generate alternative communication against the attempt to silence the media by those who today usurp power
In addition to the statistical analysis by @ceprdc undermining the #Bolivia "electoral fraud"claims by @OAS_official, here is a NEW STUDY debunking the fraud narrative, by a professor at Michigan Univ, Ann Arbor.
Bolivia's US-backed far-right coup regime—which illegally took over the electoral tribunal, purged it, & filled it with puppets—is now implying it will block the popular leftist ruling party MAS from participating in new elections.
They know they can’t win in fair elections . Complaints of ‘irregularities’ will be nothing compared to preventing a party competing .which FYI is what happenrd after Ukraine coup 2014!
Via @bodhibrian
In early September 2019, Ivanka Trump, was on tour "business" for the region. In Argentina, ... Camacho and the recently "Self-proclaimed" Provisional President of Bolivia, Jeanine Áñe
HERE: facebook.com/photo.php?fbid…

Via @bodhibrian
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBoliva #ElMundoConEvo
@JeanineAnez has wrecked more damage to Bolivia in a few days than President morales has ever done in 13 years. And she wants him arrested?
Western media whitewash a coup in #Bolivia
This comes as violent repression from the government escalates against protesters in Bolivia.
#CIDH denounces that #Bolivia exempts law enforcement from criminal responsibility
That body criticized a decree that ignores the international standards of Human Rights and stimulates violent repression. (mg)
Via @Marco_Teruggi
In #Bolivia there is a license to kill & go unpunished. It is official, it has been decreed by the dictatorship that has already killed 24 people & persecutes political, social leaders, journalists.
On November 4, Luis Fernando Camacho requested asylum from the Argentine consul in Santa Cruz if he failed
In #Cochabamba they shot from helicopters. One of those killed was shot in the head. Listen, talk your cousin. We have to spread, there will be no forgetting or forgiveness, people ask for justice.
#GolpeDeEstadoBolivia #GolpeEnBolivia
This is the destruction that Evo did in Bolivia. Give homes to the humblest. "Whipala" neighborhood with an open-air art gallery
🗣️📢This is the reality of the extreme right-wing regime in Bolivia🤬👇🏼

A CEPR #USA document, with two Nobel on its Advisory Board, destroys the conclusions of the scammers' speech against #EvoMorales
#OAS Mission Created False Report
Usurping government in #Bolivia issues Decree EXEMPTING CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY TO MILITARY who participate in operations for "the restoration of internal order".
Garcia Linera said the fascist rise & coup d'état orchestrated by #Mesa & #Camacho will destroy the country's economy. "It will bring us back at least 20 years"
Hundreds of prisoners in a tunnel under threat of being massacred...
"Maybe it's the last call, I don't know what's going to happen, tell my family I love you, I died defending freedom."
@UN @KremlinRussia_E @DiazCanelB @lopezobrador_ @alferdez @Chinamission2un @maduro_en @CFKArgentina @mauriciomacri @telesurenglish
@indio_nica @Marco_Teruggi @camilateleSUR
🗣️📢S.O.S. Bolivia
🗣️📢My Twitter followers please help me get help before there is a massacre with these Bolivians that the regime's police cut off the exits and say they will slaughter them
#ElMundoConEvo #ElMundoEstaConEvo
#ElGolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #EvoNoEstasSolo #EvoMiCasaEsTuCasa #EvoElMundoEstaContigo
#Bolivia #BoliviaResiste
Remember that these KILLERS will be considered CRIMES OF LESA HUMANITY & as justifying the military for their killing, you will be the ONLY RESPONSIBLE

Where is the #OAS @Almagro_OEA2015 scoundrel who disappeared after fraudulent report to make possible coup in #Bolivia?
By @Jorge_Elbaum
#Washington connection
-Evo Morales-
-Evo Morales-
Watch @AissateleSUR interview with the legitimate president of #Bolivia
Death toll rose to 24 & hundreds injured in 5 days of police crackdown
Followers of #EvoMorales made a town hall in #Sacaba & gave the interim president 48 hours 2 leave power
Soldiers of the Bolivian Army (infantry division) join the indigenous resistance movement marching from #Oruro to #LaPaz, #Bolivia
Breaking News: More of the march of the Bolivian indigenous movement to which army soldiers have joined. #Oruro-#LaPaz highway. They demand the resignation of the coup dome. #Bolivia
BREAKING NEWS | Soldiers of the Bolivian Army (infantry division) join the indigenous movement that marches from #Oruro to #LaPaz against the coup in #Bolivia.
BREAKING NEWS | Evidence of the link between the #Bolivian coup plotters and the #UnitedStates government.
From before self-proclamation, Jeanine Áñez called on the Armed Forces to repress Bolivians protesting against #GolpeEnBolivia.
Now he issued a decree exempting criminal responsibilities from military personnel who do so.
@mbachelet and the #UN must intervene."
Evo Morales denounced that the Permanent Assembly of Human Rights of Bolivia remains distant and silent
"They killed my partner like a dog, I will keep fighting for my country, I was on a peaceful march and they shot him"
The Bolivian people, headed by their women, in the municipality of San Julián, march to expel @JeanineAnez and the rest of the coup plotters.
Bruce Williamson, in charge of Business at the #USA Embassy in #LaPaz, #Bolivia was responsible for giving one million dollars to each military chief & five hundred thousand of the same currency to each police chief.
In #Senkata, La Paz, #Bolivia there is a strong movement of soldiers in the barracks, leaving with weapons to suppress the protests.
Bruce Williamson, in charge of Business at the #USA Embassy in #LaPaz, #Bolivia was responsible for giving one million dollars to each military chief & five hundred thousand of the same currency to each police chief.
🤨👇🏼 1/5
Here: laestrellaroja.net/actualidad/bol…

The coup general who demanded the resignation of President Evo Morales went to live for the United States.
🤨👇🏼 2/5
Here: laestrellaroja.net/actualidad/bol…

Bruce Williamson, in charge of business at the #USA Embassy in La Paz, was responsible for giving one million dollars to each military chief & five hundred thousand of the same moneda to each police chief.
🤨👇🏼 3/5
Here: laestrellaroja.net/actualidad/bol…

Bruce Williamson contacted them and coordinated everything for months in the Argentine province of Jujuy, with the protection of Governor Gerardo Morales, one of the most closely linked to President Mauricio Macri.
🤨👇🏼 4/5
Here: laestrellaroja.net/actualidad/bol…

Kaliman was immediately replaced by self-proclaimed President Janine Áñez, and along with other military leaders went to the United States to avoid being investigated by the local and international community.
🤨👇🏼 5/5
Here: laestrellaroja.net/actualidad/bol…

#ContraGolpeEnBolivia / Army continues to join the march of the Cabana Cup Union (#Oruro-#LaPaz track) that moves against #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
1 M dollars was the payment for publicly requesting the resignation of @evoespueblo.
#Kaliman, the coup organizer, went to the #UnitedStates with a million dollars...
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado
From the scene, police & military are kidnapping protesters !!!
They strip them, gasify them & then say they are armed. When in backpacks they only have BREAD !!!!
This is the "democracy" of the coup leaders !!!
Military/police are going to district 8 of El Alto. There is the Senkata gas and liquid fuel plant. There are tank trucks blocked by protesters. The interim government wants to release this plant because La Paz is scarce.
"In Cochabamba, they have organized convoys to enforce their racial supremacy where the underprivileged classes live, & carry thousands of defenseless peasants marching for peace. They carry baseball bats, chains, gas grenades, & some carry firearms. "
"The woman is her favorite victim; they grab a mayor of a peasant population, humiliate her, drag her, hit her, urinate her when she falls to the ground, cut her hair, threaten to lynch her, & when they realize that are filmed decide to throw red paint"
🗣️📢Listen: “Mesa, Camacho, you can kill me, but I'm not the only one. They will have to kill thousands, millions.
“If I die, if my family claims my death tomorrow, this govt has killed me, comrades.
For defending my rights”
"Sources in #Cochabamba, the site of yesterday’s massacre, tell me Bolivian coup soldiers are taking over the city. Here’s video from the ground of protestors telling soldiers “We want peace! Enough deaths!”
"The Bolivian coup regime has deployed helicopters as truckloads of soldiers continue to pour into #Cochabamba"
"Truckload after truckload of heavily armed soldiers continue to pour in to repress anti-coup demonstrators in El Alto, #Bolivia"
"Huge numbers of heavily armed soldiers have taken the streets of #Cochabamba"
#BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #BoliviaResisteElGolpe
It was not anti-disturbance. It was massacre
The military used war ammunition at the #Cochabamba demonstrations.
On Nov10, Bolivian president Evo Morales was ousted in a military coup. And the Washington-based Organization of American States played no small role in sparking the chain of events that rapidly led to Morales’s toppling.
"We are blocking, we are participating in social networks. In 2003 there were no cell phones, now there are, & you won't shut us up. Madam #Anez you are nothing..we will not allow you to rule us. Evo és pueblo, carajo"
@AOC hanging out with Bolivian fascists
'Evidently all the major figures leading the Green New Deal support or condone the fascist coup in Bolivia ...'
No media are here to report massacres.
The peasants are disappearing on the island of #Cochabamba.
They are killing in silence.
A desperate local voice is asking for help
"You are not our president, you have the bloodstained hands of the people"
@Manu_Abu_Carlos, MEP. He participated as an Observer in #Bolivia's presidential and parliamentary elections. Report #BoliviaGolpeEstado: There is no evidence of electoral fraud and OWN RECOGNIZES THAT #MORALES WON THE ELECTIONS. 1/2
@Manu_Abu_Carlos:" The right wasn't concerned w/ fraud. What concerned them is that the vote of a peasant or indigenous is worth the same as that of a white businessman. He concludes: it's a racist/fascist coup."
"In #Bolivia, the de facto govt announces that it will persecute senators and deputies of the MAS. Meanwhile, the uprising intensifies and the siege to La Paz is announced. Here is a summary of the situation in 2mn."
The #Bolivia army began a punitive operation in #ElAlto, in one of the outposts of the #EvoMorales supporters near the capital. Intense shots are heard with automatic weapons in the city ...
"The coup general who demanded the resignation of President Evo Morales, Kaliman, went to live in the #UnitedStates & received a million dollars from the business manager of the #USA #Yankee embassy in #Bolivia."
This happened today in El Alto, #Bolivia.
🤬📢@ONU_es, when are you going to take action?
Massacre in #Achocalla, #Bolivia! An anti-coup protester is shot in the stomach while filming the resistance against the pro-Añez army attack. This is a war on the indigenous, miners, peasants, women & all who supported #Evo"
Ultimatum for the interim president of #Bolivia
"The coca growers in the area say that if they don't quit #JeanineÁñez in 48 hours, they will block all the routes in the country"
#Bolivia's Congress Says @evoespueblo Evo Morales IS STILL PRESIDENT!
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
Gas, food running short in #Bolivia amid protests
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
In this video, @ajamubaraka denounces Canada's support for the oppressors in #Palestine & #Bolivia.
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
#Bolivia Video shows how the military and military police massacred our Bolivian brothers with lead bullets
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
🗣️📢People didn't just die, people were murdered by the interim right-wing government.
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
#Nicaragua: Golpe de Estado en #Bolivia es resultado de una estrategia planificada
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
The people of northern #Potosí, #Bolivia, arrive in the capital to repudiate the coup d'etat
#EvoPresidenteLegitimoDeBolivia #Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
She said: The other..., are killing the other, I will not leave my people like this, my friends, are killing the women, these demons of your friends are killing us"
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
"When a father dies, an orphan remains, when the woman dies, a widower remains. But when does a child die? There is no word. It hurts me to see how they are killing my people. I would not forgive." #Sacaba. #Cochabamba. #Bolivia."
Police and military repress in Villa Pagador, south of the city of #Cochabamba, people protesting against the coup and the massacre in #Sacaba.
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
By @Josef1601
So Jeanine seeks to pacify in #Bolivia, this was last night, they threw him at an assembly. Spread #BoliviaEnDictadura #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
#Bolivia ’s coup: #EvoMorales toppled not due to his failures, but due to his success
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
Honduras' elected President Zelaya was also overthrown in a US-backed right-wing coup, in 2009
Camacho, Mesa & Trump, you will have to kill me & millions, we will never accept this coup."
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado
Thousands of fake accounts supported the coup in #Bolivia, although the use of robots to amplify messages violates #Twitter's policies.
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeEstado

#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #BoliviaGolpeEstado
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #BoliviaGolpeEstado
@evoespueblo to the journalist @GerardoLissardy de la @bbcmundo
"Something I have to answer is that, be more polite and don't be a liar," adds Evo Morales
#Bolivia #EvoElMundoEstaContigo
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado
They transfer the body of Marcos Vargas, shot dead from a helicopter. He is one of 24 killed in #GolpeDeStateEnBolivia and one of 9 victims of #Sacaba #Chapare #Cochabamba
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado
#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado
"There was gonna be a second round & they launched a coup... When the military tells a president to resign, that's a coup, certainly"
Current OAS chief Almagro, a US puppet, refuses to say this
Former Potosí departmental commander Williams Villa Davis refused to repress and said:
"Step on me, but I will not raise a weapon against my people."
Arturo Murillo said 'We have lists'.
The march is incessant, under a scorching sun in Buenos Aires, #Argentina
While in #Bolivia, the murderous regime of @JeanineAnez
continues massacring natives,
in Buenos Aires, #Argentina, marching, dancing, singing, in rejection of hatred, xenophobia & coup by racist and fanatical fascism.
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBoliva #DictaduraAsesinaEnBolivia

#Bolivia #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado
#Bolivia #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
This is due to anti-coup protests blocking supply routes. The cities thought they could exclude rural indigenous communities from power. This is where it's got them.
🗣️📢Government the de facto in #Bolivia announces through decree 4082 an additional item of 4.8 million dollars for the Armed Forces. Now they have impunity to kill and money for the necessary deployment.
It must be removed urgently"
-Human Rights Watch-
Learn about #Macri's participation in the coup in #Bolivia
Elections in #Bolivia: the coup plotters seek to make them outlawing Evo Morales, possibly the MAS, appointing his TSE, having persecuted & forced the leaders of the change process to asylum...
Repression in #Bolivia.
This is how the #Bolivian police act after the infamous decree of @JeanineAnez
The #UN sends a technical mission to #Bolivia after the death of 8 protesters.
A draft decree is circulating, where the de facto government of Áñez will call elections, & plans to ban indigenous leader Evo Morales.😠👇🏼

I hope this doesn't turn into another massacre😟
Tear gas and repression against social movements &
@evoespueblo supporters' march trying to enter Cochabamba.
#Bolivia: Security forces stop social movements, coca leave producers and other @evoespueblo supporters, blocking their entrance to #Cochabamba city.
🤬📢Is this money to pay those who helped make the coup...or to maintain the racist & fascist regime?
A self-proclaimed president Jeanine Áñez, designates by decree + than 34 milhões of Bolivians (about 4.9 milhões of dollars) for #FFAA
"Don't do it, please," shout defenseless peasants attacked by the Bolivian military.
E L E C T E D P R E S I D E N T O F B O L I V I A👇🏼
#Bolivia #GolpeDeEstadoBolivia
#GolpeDeEstadoBolivia #REPRESIÓN #MasacreEnBoliva
🗣️#OAS leader Almagro (@Almagro_OEA2015 ) was a key piece of the coup d'etat in its escalation & now in its legitimation, & with public support during the ongoing murder, persecution & massacres.
-Evo Morales-
-Evo Morales-
-Evo Morales-
-Evo Morales-
#EvoPresidenteLegitimo #EvoElMundoContigo
-Evo Morales-
#EvoNoEstasSolo #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
In 15 days, Senator Áñez, who proclaimed herself #Bolivian "president" went from having 8,000 followers to 150,000, of which at least 40,000 are newly created accounts.
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBoliva #Bolivia
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #BoliviaEnDictadura #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado
We are sure that Mov. Soc, the indigenous force, students, peasants, miners, and others will bring democracy back in Bolivia. (Diego Pary Rodríguez, Chancellor of Bolivia)
#BoliviaResisteElGolpe #Bolivia
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #Bolivia
As we say in Nicaragua, the💩coup perpetrators are unloved.
"I oppose the intervention of Bolivia's security forces in the democratic process & their repression of Indigenous protesters. When the military intervened & asked President Evo Morales to leave, in my view, that’s called a coup."
-Bernie Sanders-
Yet now, when countryfolk demand the resignation of the racist coup government, they get gassed, shot, jailed.
Evo reveals that it seeks the "legal way" to return to Bolivia to complete its mandate.
#EvoPresidenteLegitimo #EvoEsElPresidente
Protesters have organised 24-hour barricades surrounding the refinery which provides fuel for the two major Bolivian cities, La Paz and El Alto.
US paid the #OAS so that the results were against @evoespueblo
5 institutions made the scrutiny again there were small errors that didn't reach 0.003%
Several countries are disconnected from the @OEA_oficial
#OAS is MOCKED in the @ONU_es
Almagro denounces himself😲.
What a surprise😏
#OEAGolpista #OEAComplice
-Evo Morales-
-Evo Morales-
Bolivian man talking about the coup, mentioning Trump and the press does not show the crimes committed by police and military.
Camacho, Mesa & Trump, you will have to kill me & millions, we will never accept this coup"
Che Guevara was very right about your criminal intentions, the Soviets were right about your evil nature.
A #Bolivian woman denounces another possible case of police repression for taking to the streets to demonstrate against the interim government of Áñez
#BoliviaResiste #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
Terrorist #Camacho recognizes on television, with total oversight that he paid young people to vandalize, loot and burn public institutions in # Bolivia. Proof of how he generated and articulated the blow against @evoespueblo
#Bolivia #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #EvoPresidenteLegitimo #EvoNoEstasSolo #EvoElMundoContigo
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #BoliviaResiste #BoliviaEnDictadura
-Evo Morales-
-Evo Morales-
#Bolivia #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #EvoPresidenteLegitimo #EvoNoEstaSolo
"Our people, they suffer too. I feel a lot of anger, a lot of impotence. ... Murderers!"
New mass marches in support of #EvoMorales and against the interim Government of Jeanine Áñez took place on November 18 in La Paz (#Bolivia)
There's widespread distrust for Añez, who implied real natives can't wear shoes & whose govt has killed far + indigenous people than it's appointed to cabinet
"We're here rejecting the govt's radical position of greeting the people w bullets.. If they keep putting bullets in us, this govt won't last + than 10 days."
"There is a woman w a gunshot wound. The press does not focus on this, they are repressing us."
#Bolivia racist & criminal coup.
Militarize Senkata in El Alto, militarize Plaza Murillo in La Paz, Evo Morales denounces that the govt is indeed seeking to close the Legislative Assembly. The coup is carried out nationally under the power of the Armed Forces and persecution.
#BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #Bolivia
#BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #Bolivia
People prostrated on the road, shouting x rage & pain, while the military wait to stalk attack?
It is a war against the people, It's a fascist,classist & racist coup.
After the release of four professionals detained by the de facto authorities in El Alto, and their return to Cuba ... the Minister of Health of Lenin Moreno made a job offer to occupy those places.
White supremacist in power shoot indigenous protesters from military helicopter and killed at least one and injured many in El Alto. #BoliviaCoup #HumanRights #Amnestyinternational
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #BoliviaMasacre
#Bolivia #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #EvoElMundoEstaContigo
The city of La Paz sees another multi-sector march & rally demanding the resignation of the coup self-declared president. Social organizations have marched through the city everyday since the coup was consolidated on Sunday, November 10.
#BoliviaResiste #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #EvoPresidenteLegitimo #EvoEsPueblo
#BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #EvoElMundoEstaContigo #JeanineAnezAsesina #AlmagroRenunciaYa #AlmagroAsesino #AlmagroOEAgolpista #AlmagroOEAgolpista
🗣️📢Thread very important.🤨👇🏼
The Analysis of Camacho's followers @LuisFerCamachoV
Camacho has 135473 followers, of which 55006 are users created in the last 18 days.
@dancohen3000 @GrayzoneProject @21WIRE @MintPressNews
The Analysis of Camacho's followers @LuisFerCamachoV
The report at three hospitals in El Alto gives the confirmed figure of 2 dead and 28 injured. This is the list of the Dutch hospital where there are 17 injured
They protested in #Paraguay against @Almagro_OEA2015. They call him "murderer" and consider him responsible for what happens in #Bolivia.
@hrw_espanol @CIDH @IntlCrimCourt [SENSITIVE IMAGES] @JeanineAnez dictatorship forces fired guns at protesters blocking a #YPFB factory in #ElAlto
They accuse @marcorubio of being behind a destabilizing plan to overthrow #EvoMorales.
@hrw_espanol @CIDH@IntlCrimCourt Another witness of the repression in #Senkata records the moment when a young man is injured in the neck. They denounce that the military is shooting at them with bullets. #19Nov
@hrw_espanol @CIDH @IntlCrimCourt
Message from the doctor at the Senkata plant in El Alto #Bolivia
@hrw_espanol @CIDH @IntlCrimCourt
Increase the number of deaths in Bolivia. According to
@DPBoliviaOf there are 6 dead in Senkata. All civilians #ElAlto
Here is the list of injured, they are in the Japanese Bolivian hospital.
@JeanineAnez is primarily responsible for this new #MasacreEnBoliva
They confirm the death of a young man near the YPFB plant in Senkata, city of El Alto. #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
Massacre in the town of San Antonio de Senkata, municipality of Calamarca, province of Aroma, department of La Paz. It is 40 km from La Paz and 189 km from Oruro. #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
-Evo Morales-
-Evo Morales-
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #Bolivia
@hrw_espanol @IntlCrimCourt From #Senkata, in El Alto, a doctor asks the govt to stop the massacre because his brothers are dying from military & police repression.
#Bolivia #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #BoliviaMassacre
@MedeaBenjamin of @CODEPINK on the ground in #Bolivia. The repression and massacres of the Bolivian people must stop! Stop the #BoliviaCoup! #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #EvoEsPueblo
@CIDH @IntlCrimCourt
VIDEO || Very strong images #Bolivian doctor shows a #Bolivian wounded in the heart with a bullet, he is alone and in despair in the face of death, El Alto Massacre #Bolivia
Here's what Member of the European Parliament and electoral observer Manu Pineda has to say about the coup in #Bolivia.
🤬📢It isn't because someone gives an order that they have to comply, when on top of that it represents violence & death for the people that pays yours salary
#Bolivia #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
"Soldiers are deserting, particularly in Cochabamba and La Paz. They are deserting in order not to shoot their own brothers"
#CamachoAsesino #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
🗣️📢S.O.S. Bolivia @UN @UNHumanRights @CIDH
@hrw_espanol @IntlCrimCourt
At least 10 dead today in #Bolivia, murdered by military..
This is a desperate cry for help; "I'm alone, let the Red Cross come, we can't do anything"
This happened today in El Alto, #Bolivia. While the world remains silent, they continue to kill the natives. Spread 🔄
Read this brilliant analysis of ERNESTO ETERNO on the role of the Police and the Armed Forces in the coup d'etat in #Bolivia, and help spread it
Military & police operations have left at least 08 dead in Senkata in recent hours
He reports at least 6 were killed, +than 20 wounded by security forces & calls for help from the Red Cross & an end to repression by the coup regime.
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #Bolivia #EvoPresidenteLegitimo #EvoElMundoContigo
Unfortunately the elements that prove the #OAS complicity in the #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia They will come out very late. "Argentine expert who joined the OAS Commission points out strange handling of the audit report in #Bolivia"
Dozens Killed by US-supported de facto regime in #Bolivia. The violence gets +brutal & arbitrary each day & the internat. community remains silent. At least this reporter from the @nytimes saw the killings w his own eyes & wrote about it:
Everyone should follow #Paraguay's example and not let in, reject the presence of these complicit genocide scammers when they are present in those countries.
The Bolivian Army, of the regime, issued a circular to identify and monitor members of the armed forces who are from indigenous peoples.
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #Bolivia
In addition, they ordered “cell phone control” to avoid “filming of all military activities and instructed to identify“ foreign personnel who carry out clandestine activities.”
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #Bolivia
#Bolivia #BoliviaMassacre #Bolivia #GolpeDeEstadoEnBoliva
#BoliviaMasacre #GolpeDeStateEnBolivia
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #EvoElMundoEstaContigo
#BoliviaMassacre #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia
@hrw_espanol @IntlCrimCourt Protesters denounce that the police & military, after KILLING those who protest against the #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia, REFUSE TO DELIVER THE BODIES, despite the claim of their relatives.
The scammers of #Bolivia lie to the world.Last night, the defense minister had the nerve to say that the army didn't fire a single projectile, in the operation carried out in Senkata, where they killed 8 people & wounded 50.
THE TRUTH about what happened in El Alto, they even fired at the doctors treating the injured. They were not bandits, they were unarmed miners.
#BoliviaMassacre #GolpeDeEstadoBolivia
The Bolivian Ombudsman confirms that the 9 victims of the Cochambamba massacre were killed w guns. The statement comes after a thorough forensic examination performed on bodies that lasted more than 7 hours.
#BoliviaMassacre #Bolivia