🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
#regimechange #ProtectBolivia #ProtectDemocracy
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🤬📢Once again, in order to steal Bolivia's resources, the #USA organized a coup d'état, resorting to right-wing extremists, racists..
🤬📢Once again #USA managed to destroy another country.
See Here😡👇🏼: facebook.com/vostvenvivo/vi…

You can't make this up: US-backed far-right Christian extremist who declared herself unelected "president" of Bolivia is the aunt of a drug trafficker who was arrested in 2017 in Brazil w 480 kg of cocaine
These are the real narco-dictators
The Bolivian people demand an end to the coup
At 4pm it is the call of the deputies in the congress and the people support the call
The coup opposition is hidden, only the army faces the people
👉🏾 bit.ly/teleSUR #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado 🇧🇴 #EvoEnteleSUR
Indigenous Rebellion in March
but some bumps and torn shirt in the scuffle. Coup police have shown they'll break with the Constitution and do what's necessary to uphold and consolidate all parts of the coup.
Via @bodhibrian
.@realDonaldTrump dear donald please meddle in our elections
bolivian legislators from the opposition!
Those who said they fought for democracy have imposed a military-police dictatorship that supports an illegal & unconstitutional government with boots & rifles.
If I can contribute with my presence to the peaceful solution that stops the violence and takes care of life, I will do it for my dear Bolivia
Mass mobilisaion to defend country from racist coup leader
#GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #ElMundoConEvo
#USA, Bolivia is becoming a military dictatorship.
#InternationalCommunity that doesn't react & doesn't act correctly, this, will end in a bloodbath, as has happened in all dictatorships in Latin America.
What are🌍Leaders waiting for😠?
-Dan Cohen-
Excellent video very interesting hopefully it spread all over the world !!
#EvoElMundoEstaContigo #EvoMiCasaEsTuCasa
@Adriana1989sa: After the attack we suffered we don't have guarantees to develop our job at the parliament.
"They risked President @evoespueblo's life;the life of other members of his govt & social leaders is still in danger & they violated the constitution"
🗣️📢I hopefully it spread all over the world !!
Evo Morales disappears: Secrets of the coup, the plan of the USA and Trump reveal
#EvoElMundoEstaContigo #EvoMiCasaEsTuCasa

The #CEPR on Monday issued a report reflecting the absence of irregularities in Bolivia's October 20 elections, which gave Evo Morales the presidency as the winner
The #CEPR Research Center denies the OAS that there was fraud in Bolivia's elections
The Center for Economic and Political Research (CEPR) of the #UnitedStates questioned the truthfulness of the work performed by the Organization of American States (OEAS) on elections in #Bolivia.
@BoliviaFriends/ 📹@pablo_telesur
A series of 16 audios in which opposition leaders call for a coup against the newly re-elected president Evo Morales were leaked through various social platforms.
Local media point out that the destabilizing plan would have been coordinated by the US Embassy in Bolivia prior to the elections & cites US senators Ted Cruz & Marco Rubio, who are said to have direct contact w the 🇧🇴 opposition in the strategy to overthrow Morales.
The plan focuses on the fact that if Evo Morales won the elections on October 20, a civil-military transition government would be established. The new government would allege fraud in the electoral process and would not recognize Morales' electoral victory.
AUDIO 1: It illustrates the commitment of #USA senators Marco Rubio, Bob Menendez and Ted Cruz in the coup plan in #Bolivia.soundcloud.com/elperiodicocr/…
Audio 2: A member of the Bolivian opposition and alleged former military man calls for an armed uprising. #BolivaiCoup #Bolivia soundcloud.com/elperiodicocr/…?
Audio 3: A member of the Bolivian opposition proposes to point out the houses of supporters of the president's political party,to instill fear in the population & influence them later to support the #Bolivia coup.
Audio 4: A member of the Bolivian opposition (still to be identified), raises the strategy to be followed by the Bolivian opposition,establishing itself as a premise that invalidates the #Bolivia elections of October 20
Audio 5: A conversation between members of the Bolivian opposition that shows the participation of Manfred Reyes Villa, another member of the US-based opposition, who has plans for a coup d'etat....
Audio 6: It shows the participation of Manfred Reyes Villa, an opposition member with coup plans. The voice of Bolivian political activist Mauricio Munoz y Reyes can be heard on the recording.
Audio 7: A former colonel of Bolivia confirms the coup plans against President Evo Morales, and expresses his concern about the participation of civic committee leaders in the opposition-related army.
Audio 8: Former🇧🇴colonel Julio Cesar Maldonado Leoni, president of the National Military Committee, gives orders to implement all kinds of actions against the Cuban Embassy & its diplomats, instills fear & hatred towards🇨🇺to leave the country.
Audio 9: A meeting between former Bolivian military held in the city of Cochabamba. Former Colonel Julio Cesar Maldonado Leoni, president of the National Military Committee, refers to the creation of a political-military power.
Audio 10: The former Bolivian colonel Teobaldo Cardoso says that everything is ready and that they are a large group of old and active military members ready to wage war.
Audio 11: It illustrates the commitment of the Manfred Reyes Villa, w plans to overthrow the president. The voice of Manfred Reyes is heard in a conversation w opposition member Miriam Pereira & journalists Carlos & Chanet Blacut.
Audio 12: The voice of former army general Remberto Siles, who refers to the existence of a great plan against the Bolivian government, is heard.
Audio 13: Strategy and actions of the La Paz Civic Committee, in the context of the National Strike on August 21. You can hear the voice of its president, politician Jaime Antonio Alarcon Daza.
Audio 14: You can hear the voice of former colonel Oscar Pacello Aguirre, representative of the National Military Coordinator. He mentions a secret plan against the government of President Evo Morales and the actions planned for October 10.
Audio 15: Private meetingn the opponent Jaime Antonio Alarcon Daza, Ivan Arias & others - the agreement consisted of obtaining rapid Voting Equipment for the next PresidentialElections, in order to use them to Manipulate Public Opinion...
Audio 16: Miriam Pereira links the opposition member & US resident Carlos Sanchez Berzain w the plan to overthrow PresidentMorales. She comments that Sanchez wants to incite a CivilWar in Bolivia & that they have a half-million dollar financing.
"We denounce to the world that paramilitaries plunder the #Bolivia Central Bank under the protection of the coup police, at the service of the self-proclaimed @JeanineAnez, after executing the coup, the people's money is stolen"
🤬📢The coup plotters are stealing money from the Central Bank of #Bolivia.
@GrayzoneProject @21WIRE @dancohen3000 @RT_com @telesurenglish @Ruptly @MintPressNews @Publico
It´s becoming more and more clear the role of social media as yet another political party able to legitimize or remove any Government, especially through social networks.
URGENT see 🤨👆🏼A series of 16 audios in which opposition leaders call for a coup against the newly re-elected president Evo Morales
#Bolivia's new "president" thinks its indigenous population (60%+ of total population) "don't belong in cities" and should only live in rural areas or the isolated highlands.
Racial segregation much?
The Indigenous people of #Bolivia - who make up 70% of the country’s population - are marching en masse against the illegal ouster of Evo Morales.
But this footage won’t be on the likes of CNN/BBC because the Western media refuses to call it a coup.
La Paz-Bolivia
Argentine Congress condemns coup d'état in Bolivia - NODAL
Vigil 19 #FreeAssangeVigil @action_4assange
Hosts discuss #Bolivia & 2009 #WikiLeaks information that #USA gave millions of dollars to separatist movement in #Bolivia.
The #OAS or Order of American Servants:'the OAS receives 60% of its funding from #Washington, which gives the #USA tremendous leverage over the supposedly neutral and international body'
If you need to be convinced that this is a coup & that it is backed by the #USA, there’s just no hope left for you. We’ve been doing this for YEARS. #ThankYouWikiLeaks #ThankYouChelsea
Adriana Salvatierra said that her resignation from the presidency of the Senate isn't valid, since she did not vote in the plenary.
They reject the coup and maintain recognition of #EvoMorales as president.
Here: bbackdoors.wordpress.com/2019/10/08/us-…


🤬📢This has a #USA-sponsored coup d'état.
The US EMBASSY in La Paz continues carrying out covert actions in Bolivia to support the coup d’état against the bolivian President Evo Morales.

"A cold-blooded massacre with machine guns" described another victim of the massacre perpetrated by the coup army of #Bolivia against the Indigenous People who demonstrate against the coup d'etat & in favor of #EvoMorales #EvoElMundoContigo.
Morales empowered the mostly left-leaning Indigenous population of #Bolivia, accounting for 20% of the country's population according to the 2012 census, w an additional 68% of the population being mixed European & Indigenous ancestry. ahtribune.com/world/americas…
Great mobilization of all rural regions of #Bolivia towards El Alto with a single objective, to dismantle the coup against #EvoMorales
Indigenous caravans going down to La Paz.
They keep fighting and resisting #GolpeDeEstadoBolivia
Indigenous caravans going down to La Paz.
The scenes of repression & persecution against indigenous people have become common & human rights have no jurisdiction in that country.
🤬📢They are giving an image that nothing is happening in Bolivia, that everything is calm & peaceful.
🤬📢This Motherfuckers must have bought the course on the market.
For the indigenous people there is no @CIDH, for their aggressors, there is no law that punishes them.
Coup senator speaking on just about every channel. Bolivia TV still off air.
Ambassador of #Uruguay 🇺🇾 Hugo Cayrús to the @OEA_oficial: "Gentlemen is a #GolpeDeEstadoBolivia Civic, Political & Military ... At the same time I condemn All Act of Terror Put by the #OEA."
#Bolivia’s #EvoMorales Forced to Resign in Coup d’État therealnews.com/stories/bolivi…
#BoliviaGolpeDeEstado #EvoEsElPresidente
sing the thousands who mobilize against the coup in La Paz. The Murillo Square is surrounded, there are mobilizations that come from kissing points, others that are coming"
March organised by the Cocalero union, who have had the signal of their radio station (Kawsachun) blocked by the coup. Extremely little coverage of the resistance there.
The ministerial cabinet of the self-proclaimed president of #Bolivia increases her illegality. The new govt minister, Arturo Murillo, announces in his first statement to the press:
"go hunting the former ministers of @evoespueblo"
@carlosdmesag says that @evoespueblo cannot return to the country, & that neither he nor Álvaro García could be candidates. Call the MAS militants to express their will through the vote in the next elections
#ElMundoConEvo #ElMundoEstaConEvo
#ElGolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia #EvoNoEstasSolo
#EvoMiCasaEsTuCasa #EvoElMundoEstaContigo
🤬📢This is how the coup and racist extremist right works: when it rules who they dislike, they "worry about freedom of speech." When they take power, they want to silence everyone. World Hypocrisy
"Evo, dear, the people are with you!" Sing the eternal mothers of Plaza de Mayo in their Thursday march around the Pyramid #EvoMorales #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado

🗣️📢 Follow here, the demonstration of the #Bolivian people fighting the coup d'état and the self-proclaimed government illegally, and blessed by the #USA and their #puppets.

This is an outrage to which no democrat can remain silent.
breaking news: Deputies of #EvoMorales settle in the Assembly of #Bolivia and declare a hunger strike es.rt.com/75iz
Thousands of supporters of #EvoEsElPresidente fill the streets
"Añez racista, el pueblo no te quiere"
"El pueblo Unido jamás será vencido"
"Evo amigo, Madrid está contigo"
"There are no military here," says one of the right-wing harpies who harass the journalist.
It seems that the diffusion of reality in the current Bolivian dictatorship fucks them, they fuck them a lot ...
🚨HELPPPPPP @UN @UNHumanRights @KremlinRussia_E @eu_comission @FedericaMog
🚨🗣️📢Grover Garci orders the police and military to kill demonstrators
Arturo Murillo, new government minister of Jeanine Áñez, announces more repression:
"I talked to the new defense minister. We will have the military on the street. Everyone who is in sedition will go after them and go to jail."
Know what these audios say and the characters that are involved
The crackdown in #Bolivia is against those who repudiate the coup."
Know the context of what happened in #BoliviaGolpeDeEstado 🇧🇴 against the president
The official mentioned that the Bolivian oligarchy never accepted a president of native peoples
At the same time they demand the resignation of Senator Jeanine Añez, who proclaimed herself interim president
"You can only talk about legitimate power in Bolivia after the elections," the official said.
✔️The resignation of Jeanine Áñez,
✔️Respect to the Wiphala and its indigenous heritage,
✔️Investigation into violence against protesters
🇧🇴 in fact govt minister Arturo Murillo said they will initiate persecution against people linked to Evo Morales
"We are going to go hunting Ramon Quintana, García Linera & FARC people, Cubans, Venezuelans" he said
The legitimate president of Bolivia said the coup against him comes from #USA
"The people will never be silenced with weapons," said the indigenous leader who is in exile in Mexico
"I represent an indigenous people and I have been elected as interim governor," said the official
🤬📢Look at this.
🗣️📢Phone cameraman says they are being evacuated.
🗣️📢They asked the coup questions and accuse them of being seditious.
@UN @UNHumanRights
Mass demonstration in Cochabamba against the coup. They ask for the resignation of Áñez
Santa Cruz. Thousands of people await tonight the arrival of Luis Fernando Camacho, leader of the mobilizations against Evo Morales. "Satan, out of Bolivia." Listen.
🗣️📢The ingenuity of the opposing herd demonstrates the ease with which they were so easily manipulated.
Plaza Murillo is home to the Presidential Palace & the Congress of Bolivia
"@evoespueblo is the legitimate President, they shout"
👉A part of the army & the police defected, they refuse to repress the people.
"No hay golpe de estado." - #Anez
Oh, yeah😏
🤬📢 It's a coup & military dictatorship 😠
The MAS deputies, who are a majority in the Assembly, established the corresponding quorum with 74 parliamentarians and elected Sergio Choque as the new president of the Chamber of Deputies
@OSFJustice @ICCwatch @AlistairBurtUK @UKUN_NewYork @franceonu @civicusSG @mandeep_tiwana1 @Tor_Hodenfield @gilbertcathal @EHAHRDP @humanrights1st @ONECampaign
@RondaLH26 @bospec @RedactedTonight @annaleclaire @jnj_kahl @birdtrees @ADxtrJuseniorit @lydiadaye @azardsphere @rociocangla @MASAOMORITR @VeritasTB2 @parumsufficit @fquevedoc @morphonios @Miami_Rebelde @drcrbr @Hasan08931491