The dangerously flawed unvalidated @babylonhealth Chatbot, continues to put WOMEN at risk of #DeathByChatbot #GenderBias.
A 60yr old 20/day Smoker with Sudden Onset Central Chest Pain & Nausea...
FEMALE = #PanicAttack.
MALE = #HeartAttack.

A 60yr old FEMALE smoker develops Sudden Onset Central Chest Pain & Nausea.
She uses the @babylonhealth Chatbot, which suggests it's a #PanicAttack or #Depression - which can be managed at home.
A 60yr old MALE smoker with an identical history uses the @babylonhealth Chatbot...
For him, the Chatbot suggests #UnstableAngina or #HeartAttack - which requires emergency treatment...
Their Hyperbolic claims & woeful Governance are an embarrassment to the UK #HealthTech sector.