*A thread*
1. When the boat was being beaten by the storm, every man went his way of fear and "praying to his own god"
You'll never get anywhere as a group or organization until you put you walk in unity.
Do you know how much faith it take to sleep in a situation like that?
Not only that,
A lot of folks may not agree with this, but even when he disobeyed, he knew he was still God's anointed.
Whether you sin or not is no longer the devil's business
One mind said "is it that this nigga did not have respect or he didn't just know who he was talking to? "
Did you notice the way he was talking? To God ooo! With no fear!
You could say "ehn? How can someone be changing it for God?! "
Fam! He's already God. Camdan!
Read the book of Psalms, read about Moses, or Abraham or Jacob that even fought Him.
Just coz you did something wrong doesn't restrict your access to Him.
God bless.