a #taekook magic au
When Taehyung leaves home to start his life as a witch, it's with less excitement and more anxiety. But when he takes a job at Seokjin's magical bakery, he might just find his dreams and future in a cute flower delivery boy named Jeongguk.

✨ inspired by kiki's delivery service
🌸 romance, fluff, magic, humor
✨ quote don't reply etc etc etc
🌸 updates daily
✨ dm or ccat to chat!!
"Last stop, Flora Central Station."
The train whistle sings over the chugging of the engine and the gentle sway of the wheels on the tracks.
When he was younger, this was all he wanted.
Now, with his hometown and his grandmother behind him, and his future in front of him, he feels nothing but dread.
"Well, that makes one of us," he says, as he slowly gets up and exits the train, Yeontan in tow.
Maybe even the bags casually following behind him, hovering a foot or so off the ground.
(But honestly, have they never seen a witch before?)
A place where he has nowhere to work.
Nowhere to live.
Nothing to do.
A little less claustrophobic.
A little more manageable.
It could be worse, he supposes.
Kim's Bakery & Magic Shop.
He'd dreamed about this day too. The day he finally visited the bakery he'd heard so much about. And now, he just wishes the circumstances were different.
Gripping his broom tight in his hands, Taehyung takes slow, deliberate steps towards the bakery as his heart continues to pound up against his throat.
And he's scared.
Scared that he's come all this way for nothing.
Scared that he'll get turned down.
Scared that he'll get stuck.
Kim Seokjin, his favorite cousin (his only cousin) stops sweeping the front of the shop and looks at Taehyung with wide eyes.
"Taehyung," Seokjin cries, dropping the broom to wrap Taehyung up in a warm, loving hug.
And Taehyung drops his bags and broom so he can hug Seokjin back, tight and desperate and happy.
"Actually," Taehyung starts, pausing to gnaw at his lower lip, "I'm here for a job."
Taehyung's first day at work begins with several "fun" events. (Because no first day at a new job can't start without complete and utter chaos, right?)
Seokjin thinks it's a good thing they're witches.
If only Taehyung were that accomplished.
Seokjin left when he was twenty, and now it's Taehyung's turn.
On Taehyung's 18th birthday, he learned that fortune telling wasn't in the cards for him.
It wasn't enough that his fortunes didn't come true, they also went terribly wrong.
He spent the past two years trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life; what he was good at. What he could make a career out of.
But when it comes to his future -- to what makes him stand out -- he keeps coming up empty.
It's Taehyung's first day of work and, so far, nothing's going right. His first set of bread rolls exploded in the oven (how, Seokjin isn't sure), his cookie dough ended up being some kind of poisonous liquid --
At least Seokjin laughs when he sees Yeontan running around the shop, covered in flour like a tiny ghost.
"I'm so sorry, hyung," Taehyung says for what feels like the fiftieth time that morning.
(He owes Seokjin too much not to.)
(It's Seokjin's easiest recipe, but still.)
Or well, a job done at least.
Flora is a lot bigger than the village he and Seokjin grew up in. In fact, it's big enough for there to be three resident witches, instead of just one.
In fact, some people travel from all over town just for the taste of his pastries, on top of the magical properties they possess.
Calming Cookies.
Blemish-Be-Gone Bread Rolls.
Marriage Mending Madeleines.
Meanwhile, all Taehyung can do is the basics.
All of Taehyung's best memories begin with a crash.
Taehyung thinks it's his curse: you can't have a good memory without someone breaking a bone.
Seokjin thinks he's just clumsy.
Their eyes connect for a brief moment and then he crashes into the lamp post.
And Taehyung doesn't know whether he should blush or kick him.
And Taehyung turns towards cute boy -- Jeongguk -- before reaching up to brush his hair away from his forehead so he can rub more herbal salve on the bump right above his eyebrow. No sense in letting that scar over --
It doesn't make Taehyung blush.
(It does.)
Doesn't this town have two witches already? Stuff like this should be old news.
(But Taehyung gets flustered nonetheless.)
And Jeongguk takes the bag of cookies gingerly in his hands, like they're a national treasure, eyes wide, cheeks pink.
Taehyung expects Jeongguk to slide them into his backpack and take off on whatever business he was clearly doing before he ran into the lamp post outside the bakery.
And Taehyung watches with wide eyes as Jeongguk chews and swallows the cookie. And then he's flashing Taehyung the happiest grin as he hugs the bag of cookies closer. "Delicious," he says.
Maybe he isn't a complete failure.
And Jeongguk looks sheepish. "Well, no, they're actually for Jin, but uh -- can you sign for them?"
"They're ruined," Taehyung says with a small smile. But he signs for them anyway.
"Jin can fix them," Jeongguk says, stepping on his skateboard with a cheeky grin. "I'll see you around, Taehyung!"
And Taehyung can only watch, ruined bouquet clutched tightly to his chest.
Normally, the first thing Jeongguk does when he gets home is throw himself on the couch in the living room face first and lay there for a good fifteen minutes.
And when he kicks his shoes off and throws himself on the couch face up, Hoseok -- his best friend and roommate -- looks scared.
News travels fast, apparently.
"Is this a concussion thing, or...?"
Jeongguk laughs. "What, I can't be happy?"
"It was a lamp post," Jeongguk corrects.
Taehyung, Seokjin's new apprentice. The most beautiful person Jeongguk's ever seen.
(And anyone who knows Jeongguk would say he never loses focus.)
"I'm not hallucinating," Jeongguk says, swatting at Hoseok's hand.
"Literal angels, Guk?"
Hoseok's head perks up. "Is there a new witch in town?" he asks. And Jeongguk nods.
How shyly Taehyung smiled.
Before promptly spitting it up.
Onto the floor.
But still. They were a gift. From the most beautiful man in the world.
Hoseok continues to choke out the bits of cookie he'd half-chewed, throwing dirty glances at Jeongguk.
Luckily he's not that far gone.
"I won't," Jeongguk says with a roll of his eyes. He's just gonna hold onto them. Possibly forever. We'll see.
After tucking Taehyung's cookies away in a safe corner in his bedroom, Jeongguk grabs his notebook and pen and slips out the living room window to get comfortable on the balcony.
Getting comfortable on the little cushions they snuck out there, Jeongguk pulls his knees close to his chest and opens his notebook.
It's been months since Jeongguk's been able to write something.
And it's slowly eating away at him.
Some days, he's lucky enough to get a line or two of a song. Sometimes even half of one. But he's not satisfied with them at all.
They all feel so uninspired.
"Nah," Jeongguk says, tapping the tip of his pen against the song he started writing yesterday. It's barely been 24 hours and he hates it already.
"You'll get something eventually."
People are scurrying down the sidewalk below, likely making their way home from work; perhaps going to find dinner or returning to loved ones or starting late night shifts.
This sight used to relax Jeongguk -- used to inspire him -- but lately, the wall he's hitting has only made the familiar, comforting sights into ones of anxiety and frustration.
And Hoseok hums, draping an arm over Jeongguk's shoulder to pull him close in a half-hug. It brings Jeongguk a little bit of comfort, if anything. "It depends," he says.
"I keep trying to push through," Jeongguk says, nodding towards the garbage lyrics staring back up at him. "But it's all crap."
Jeongguk hums, thumbing through the pages.
And Jeongguk nods, determined. He won't, as much as his heart wants to give up, he won't.
He's just gotta push through.
The next day, Jeongguk passes by Kim's Bakery on his way to deliver three bouquets to this retired opera singer who has too many admirers to count.
Sometimes she gives him butterscotch candy for his troubles.
Once, she tried to give him a kiss, but Jeongguk skated away before she could.
Jeongguk asks for a butterscotch instead and she laughs like he's joking.
Namjoon thought it was sweet and added a few extra touches to the bouquet to make it even more beautiful.
And Jeongguk may have teared up a little bit.
On closer inspection, Jeongguk thinks it might be a dog.
Or possibly a really fluffy squirrel?
Further examination is needed.
And when the students pass off the bouquet to their teacher and she cries, well -- maybe Jeongguk cries too.
So he decides it's finally time to make his grand, suave entrance. And possibly finally order a pastry.
But when Jeongguk passes the window on his skateboard, Taehyung looks up and notices him. And the way Taehyung's face lights up when he recognizes him has Jeongguk's heart leaping up into his throat.
And Jeongguk almost crashes into the lamp post. Again.
And Jeongguk's dusting dirt off his butt and kicking his skateboard into his hand. "No," he says. (Only when you're involved.)
"Haven't you charmed me enough?" Jeongguk asks, his grin more confident than he actually feels.
And Jeongguk thinks that maybe he scared Taehyung away. That maybe the flirting was just a bit too much.
It wasn't that bad of a line, right?
And Jeongguk's heart twists in his chest.
And two, because shit, Taehyung's so cute.
But when he chews and then swallows, those hopes are dashed.
It tastes terrible.
In fact, it's somehow worse than the last batch.
"Delicious," he says.
Maybe he should send Taehyung an apology bouquet.
He'll send a better card though. With a note like "I don't love your cookies but I do love you."
That night, as Jeongguk curls up on the fire escape, his notebook in his lap and his pen between his lips, he watches the sun set over the horizon.
And he watches the red tail lights on the cars disappear into the distance. The people scurrying about, desperate to get home.
And, on his pad of paper, he writes nothing.
Nothing except a title: your cookies are terrible, but I love you anyway.
"Nothing today?" Jimin asks.
"Well, that's certainly a title," Jimin says with a snort. "I tried to eat one of those cookies, by the way. But Hoseok threw himself over the bag like it was a live grenade."
"Because they're terrible," Jimin corrects. "But apparently you love him anyway."
"Needs some work," Jimin says, ruffling Jeongguk's hair.
"I'm tired of being stuck. It's been months and everything I write is trash," Jeongguk says, slamming the notebook shut.
Jimin hums. "Have you tried taking a break?" he asks. "Whenever I get stuck with ballet, I always wanna push through. But sometimes just stepping away does more good than throwing myself at it over and over again."
But that didn't work either.
And Jeongguk thinks about Taehyung and his puffball pomeranian and his terrible, magical cookies, and laughs.
Yeah, maybe he needs a muse.
To start, he had a great dream, one where he was rocking out in front of thousands of people at a concert. It was awesome.
And then he managed to skate to work without hitting any red lights. Which is like a little miracle in itself.
"Morning, boss," Jeongguk says with a cheeky grin. "Any deliveries today?"
"The opera singer."
Jeongguk's smile slips. Great. Another day of avoiding dog kisses.
"Hey boss?" Jeongguk calls.
"We don't happen to, uh, have any deliveries for Jin today, do we?" Jeongguk asks, hoping he sounds as nonchalant as he's pretending to be.
If Namjoon notices though, he doesn't say anything. He only holds up the half-finished bouquet of pink and white peonies.
Today, he's going to see Taehyung.
"Sounds good," he says. "See you later!"
And then Jeongguk takes off on his skateboard to make his first delivery of the day. And that skip in his step has multiplied tenfold.
That morning, Mrs. Something-or-other (Jeongguk already forgot) tries just a little bit harder to give Jeongguk that tip in the form of a kiss.
Jeongguk just smiles and waves to her as he skates down her driveway, her dogs chasing after him.
It's around lunchtime when Jeongguk finally gets his hands on Seokjin's bouquet. He tries not to yank it too hard out of the bucket and instead gingerly places it into his backpack with the utmost care.
Already off to a great start.
"Have a magical day," Taehyung says as he slips the little girl a cookie with the most brilliant, boxiest smile Jeongguk has ever seen.
Ugh, he's so cute.
"Yeah," Jeongguk says dreamily.
But it's not as beautiful as the witch holding it, that's for sure.
"Yeah, but he gets so many of them I bet he wouldn't notice if you kept it," Jeongguk says with a grin.
"He has a lot of admirers," Jeongguk says.
Taehyung's puffball dog is asleep near the door, his little paws stretched out in front of him, eyes closed as he absorbs the sun like the happy cat he isn't.
Taehyung looks confused, his eyebrows screwing together as he tentatively hands the bouquet back over to Jeongguk.
His palms are probably sweating too, and Jeongguk hopes Taehyung doesn't notice.
"There," Jeongguk says. "Now the bouquet has competition."
Slowly, he reaches up to touch it, his fingers lightly grazing the pink petals of the peony.
Jeongguk shouldn't be surprised when Taehyung returns from the back with a bag.
And Jeongguk's heart leaps up in his throat while his stomach shifts in nervous anticipation.
Jeongguk wishes he liked them.
But when Taehyung hands the bag over, Jeongguk reaches in and stuffs one in his mouth, smiling with wide cheeks.
His throat constricts, determined not to let him swallow the cookie.
"Thank you," Jeongguk says, slipping the rest of the cookies into his backpack. And Taehyung looks so genuinely happy and grateful that it makes the burning sensation in the pit of his stomach worth it.
One hundred percent.
That night, when Jeongguk comes home with a third bag of Taehyung's terrible cookies, both Hoseok and Jimin stare him down from where they're curled up on the couch watching dance videos.
"Too late," Jeongguk says, storing them with the rest of the cookies he's trying to preserve until the end of time.
Jeongguk hopes it's the former.
But if he ends up dying, it'll have been a hundred percent worth it.
Taehyung's first week at Kim's Bakery & Magic Shop comes to a close without much fanfare.
His work at the bakery has been all over the place. He's done a little bit of baking here and there, helping Seokjin mix bread starters or throwing ingredients into the stand mixers while --
Even picking up lunch orders or coffee from the cafes or restaurants down the street whenever they're hungry.
As cute flower tattoo boys wave at him in passing through the window or stick flowers behind his ear.
Whatever those are.
Hopefully in that order.
Furrowing his brow, Taehyung rubs at the inside of the display case, frowning as the fingerprints and grime come off with ease.
When it works, Tae's caught between satisfaction and a biting disappointment.
(But didn't he? He's cast that spell so many times, he could do it in his sleep--)
And Taehyung gapes. He knows the witch community is small in this town, but does word really travel that fast?
And Taehyung's mouth snaps shut, his lips forming into a smile.
Okay, Jeongguk's roommate. That makes more sense --
Does it?
And Taehyung's back to gaping. Why is Jeongguk talking about him? They've only spoken a couple times.
"I hope only good things," Taehyung finally manages to say.
And Jimin's coy smile is unreadable.
"Okay," Taehyung says, grabbing it and bagging it up for Jimin. "Do you have a performance coming up?"
"It never hurts," Jimin says, his laughter ringing like a bell.
"Grueling, but fun," Jimin says. "I dunno how to describe it. I mean, using your entire body to convey emotion is so satisfying."
"That's so cool," Taehyung says, his smile warm.
He can't run the till at Seokjin's shop forever.
"Yeah," Taehyung says with a smile. "His name's Yeontan."
"He's so cute!" Jimin says. "Yoongi's familiar is also a dog. Ugh, I just wanna eat him up."
Taehyung takes to Jimin almost as quickly as Yeontan does, their easy conversation turning into five minutes, then fifteen, then thirty. And, just like that, the last of the work day slips by in a flurry of laughter and smiles.
And all thoughts of the frugality of friendships are lost as his heart twists in his chest and his lips pull up into a smile.
On Tuesday, Jeongguk stops by the bakery again carrying not one but three bouquets, all of which are for Seokjin.
Seokjin's in the storefront that day, piping frosting onto freshly cooled Courage Cupcakes as he hums along to some song playing quietly on the radio.
All the while Seokjin cackles and shakes sprinkles over his cupcakes.
"I will," Jeongguk says with a smile.
"Really?" Jeongguk asks, his eyes wide and curious.
"Yeah, don't you?" Taehyung asks. "They're so big and beautiful and bright."
When Taehyung turns to move the vases to the store window, where they can get the most sun, his eyes catch Seokjin's. And Taehyung doesn't miss the way Seokjin's eyes sparkle and the way he smirks.
Taehyung would know that look anywhere; he's seen it thousands of times during their childhood, especially when Seokjin was a few seconds away from getting them both in trouble.
When their eyes connect, Jeongguk's smile is shy and Taehyung smiles back.
"Oh, right!" Taehyung says, turning around to shuffle around behind the counter before pulling out a freshly baked batch of Calming Cookies.
And in an instant, Jeongguk's swiped the bag from Taehyung's hands. He takes a second to admire the packaging before he's chewing and swallowing a cookie.
"Did Jeongguk leave?" he asks.
"Your cookies?" Seokjin asks, eyebrows drawn together.
Seokjin smiles before swiping one of the extras from the rack. And then he pops it into his mouth.
And then starts coughing.
And Taehyung nods numbly as he stares at the rack of leftover cookies.
Jeongguk likes them though, right? He's eaten one every time, smiling as he swallowed them.
Maybe they're an acquired taste. A taste Jeongguk likes?
And he can't help the heavy sigh that leaves his lips as he stares down at the half-eaten cookie in his hand.
Taehyung busies himself with cleaning and organizing and helping customers. But the taste of the cookie lingers on his tongue longer than he'd like, Seokjin's words bouncing around his head for the rest of the day.
(Just so he can see the smile on Jeongguk's face when he tastes them.)
On Monday, Kim's Bakery & Magic Shop closes and Seokjin and Taehyung head to the market to restock on ingredients for the next week. It takes most of the morning --
And Seokjin just smiles. "Nah, go enjoy your day off."
And Taehyung can't help the smile that tugs at his lips or the warmth that settles into his heart.
He got a good glimpse of the surrounding scenery as he took the cross-country train.
But he hasn't really had a chance to explore.
(Minus working for Seokjin, but still.)
"Seokjin pays me," Taehyung says, reaching out to pluck a beret off a mannequin and fit it over his head.
So he buys it and wears it out of the store, smiling the entire time.
When they sit down at the cafe, they both orders drinks and decide to split a slice of cake.
Taehyung mixes gum syrup in with his iced tea, stirring it around until it mixes in. After a moment, he shrugs. "It's nice," he says.
"Well, it's not where I thought I'd end up," Taehyung admits openly. And while that's something he's only ever really admitted to Seokjin, he finds it relaxing how easily he feels like he can trust Jimin.
"Where'd you think you'd end up?" Jimin asks, sinking his fork into their slice of strawberry shortcake.
He loved his grandma's cooking and staying up late with Seokjin building blanket forts in Taehyung's bedroom.
(He's always dreamed big and aimed high.)
"But I always imagined myself at the capital, you know? Opening a cafe and reading peoples' tea leaves and palms."
Not really, Taehyung thinks. But he only smiles, taking a sip of his iced tea and wincing when it's a little too sweet.
When they finish their drinks and cake, Jimin slips his arm under Taehyung's and leads him out of the cafe and toward the river that cuts through the center of downtown.
"To see a friend," is all Jimin says, throwing a wink in Taehyung's direction.
He briefly wonders if it's Jeongguk. They're roommates, right?
But he wipes that idea from his mind as soon as it arrives.
It's relaxing.
There's something about the sight and sound of running water that feels grounding. And he knows it's the witch in him -- the affiliation to the elements -- but still.
The most beautiful voice Taehyung's ever heard.
And Taehyung swears he can hear Jimin laugh -- breathy and quiet -- underneath the sound of the music.
His heart stops as his eyes rest on none other than Jeon Jeongguk. And Taehyung feels the air practically leave his lungs as his heart freezes in his chest.
"Isn't he?" Jimin asks.
"Thank you so much," Jeongguk says into the microphone, giving each and every person who drops money into his guitar case the cutest smile Taehyung's ever seen.
Before his eyes finally land on Taehyung.
(And it's all for him.)
"Hi," Taehyung says back, just loud enough to be heard. His ears are burning and, briefly, he thinks about pulling the beret down enough to cover them.
"This next song's for the cute witch in the audience," he says, his smile shy as he looks down at his guitar.
And if Taehyung's ears were burning before, now they're on fire. In fact, his entire face is burning up like the sun, his heart leaping back up into his throat and pounding up against it, hard and steady.
Taehyung tries not to think too much into it when Jeongguk starts playing the next song.
And he tries not to think too much into it when his heart twists awkwardly and happily in his chest, fluttering there uselessly like the annoying thing it is.
So Taehyung chooses to ignore him. Just like he ignores the way his heart dances to the beat of Jeongguk's music long after it's over.
When Jeongguk's set is finished, he immediately starts packing up his guitar and amp as the crowd slowly dissipates. And Taehyung just stands there, watching him, his lips parted and his cheeks flushed.
"Great set," Jimin says, parking Taehyung right in front of Jeongguk before plopping down on the now empty stack of milk crates.
"Yeah, you're amazing," Taehyung says.
Clearing his throat, Taehyung slides his hands into his pockets in some failed attempt at looking calm and not like his heart is trying to beat its way out of his chest.
Taehyung wets his lips before biting down on his bottom lip. His smile widens, his cheeks a deep, burning red. "Maybe I will."
Shifting from foot to foot, Taehyung chews on his lower lip as he watches Jeongguk grab his amp, his eyes never once leaving Taehyung's.
And Jeongguk coughs as Jimin laughs in the background.
"Oh, really? Thanks," Jeongguk says, his smile shy but his eyes glittering underneath heavy eyelashes.
Stupid heart.
Stupid cute flower tattoo boys who ride skateboards and can play guitar and sing.
Stupid Jimin, leading him into this trap.
"You too," Jeongguk supplies, his voice practically croaking as he forces the words from his throat. "I mean, uh -- shit."
Maybe moving here -- maybe taking a job at Seokjin's bakery until he finds out what he wants to do with his life -- wasn't the worst decision he's ever made.
Especially when he's already feeling more at home here every day.
It's Tuesday evening and Jeongguk's at his usual spot on the fire escape, his notebook open on his lap and his gaze on the horizon as his pen taps aggressively against the empty page.
Briefly, Jeongguk thinks of Taehyung's face, all flushed and smiling, in the audience on the sidewalk watching him play. Jeongguk thinks of how, when he tried to dedicate a song to Taehyung --
And a smile tugs at the corners of his lips, threatening to consume his face whole.
So cute.
the words take shape
in the corners of my mind
consuming my every thought
but i wonder
are you thinking of me too?
Jimin's phone buzzes and he barks out a loud laugh, jostling Jeongguk from his thoughts.
But Jimin presses his phone to his chest with a coy laugh. "Nope," he says, looking every bit like the cat that caught the canary.
But Jimin just shakes his head, turning his phone away from Jeongguk to text whoever's caught his attention.
Jeongguk's lips purse, his tongue poking at his cheek.
But Jimin snatches it away, holding it high over his head as he practically cackles. "What's it to you, Jeonggukie?" he asks. "You jealous?"
"I dunno," Jimin sings, keeping his phone at bay with those stupid dancer reflexes. "Because it might be a certain crush of yours."
He wants Taehyung's number.
How did Jimin get Taehyung's number?
"Yep," Jimin says, his smile smug, eyebrows waggling.
All shame goes right out the window.
No regrets.
And Jimin's stupidly smug smile only widens. "I asked for it," he says.
"You can't just ask for Taehyung's number!" Jeongguk huffs, leaning his weight on Jimin as he laughs.
And Jeongguk feels his face burn at the question. "Because -- because --"
Humming, Jimin shoves Jeongguk back before waving his phone in his face. Just so Jeongguk can see how many cute messages Taehyung sends. And how often he uses cute emojis.
"I could give it to you," Jimin sings, wiggling his phone.
But that feels like cheating. So he snaps his notebook shut and holds it to his chest. "No," he says. "I want to earn it."
Like on dates.
And then as boyfriends.
And Jeongguk huffs, brushing Jimin's hand away. "Fine, maybe I will," he says. Because he's determined now.
So he's determined.
Within the week, he'll have Kim Taehyung's phone number on his phone. So he can text him cute pictures of dogs and good morning messages with a thousand heart emojis.
On Thursday, Jeongguk gets a delivery for Kim's Bakery & Magic Shop.
He practically cries as he snatches the bouquet (gently) from the bucket and tucks it into his backpack. And he doesn't miss the way Namjoon gives him an almost knowing look.
Probably because he knows Jeongguk will shoot back with the fact that the bouquet for Seokjin is twice the size it was probably billed at. How the pink peonies are placed with even more care.
And it's the same song Jeongguk dedicated to Taehyung on Monday.
All at once, the bills stop sorting themselves and Yeontan looks up too, looking slightly annoyed that he's no longer receiving scratches behind his ears.
Jeongguk's heart squeezes in his chest and he feels a laugh bubbling up from his throat. Slowly, he approaches the till and places the bouquet on the register.
Honestly, he's surprised Taehyung doesn't already. Especially when he's so sweet and beautiful --
"Yeah," Jeongguk says. "I think his fans pay half our rent."
Slowly, he moves to put the flowers in a vase, filling it with water. When he returns to the counter, he places the bouquet right next to the register, his smile shy and beautiful.
"Sign?" he asks, and Taehyung nods, taking the little book from Jeongguk's hand so he can sign it.
Holy shit, Taehyung's so cute. He's so cute and Jeongguk wants to reach across the counter and kiss the hell out of him.
And Taehyung looks relieved; in fact, the relief is so palpable Jeongguk can almost taste it. "Of course," he says, all cute smiles and genuine affection.
Wetting his lips, Jeongguk leans just a little bit closer to Taehyung, a wide smile stretching across his face as he locks eyes with Taehyung.
Taehyung's eyes widen and his face and ears flush.
Overhead, the light starts flickering wildly.
If Jimin were here, he would be doubled over cackling.
And Taehyung just nods dumbly.
Is it a victory of Jeongguk leaves Taehyung speechless?
"Cute," Jeongguk says.
And Taehyung's flush deepens, his eyes wide as a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips.
But Taehyung only sputters, his eyes flicking between the exploded soufflé, Seokjin, and Jeongguk. "I, uh --" he stammers, his face a bright red.
And Taehyung just stammers some more.
So cute.
And when Taehyung tells Jeongguk just how much he loves his singing, Jeongguk tries very hard not to respond with "you too" again.
Instead, he gives Taehyung the widest smile he can and asks Taehyung if they want to walk home together.
Next time.
On Sunday afternoon, Jeongguk skates past Kim's Bakery & Magic Shop on the way back from a delivery. Another bouquet of apology flowers, this time from a guy to his fiancé. A bouquet of red roses, with a card that reads "I'm sorry I faked last night's orgasm. :( :( :("
(At least it's better than "sorry for cheating on you" -- his previous personal favorite.)
Wetting his lips, Jeongguk kicks his skateboard into his hand and enters the shop.
"Hey Yoongi," he says. Before he turns his most flirtatious smile on Taehyung. "Hi Tae."
"Hey Guk," Yoongi says.
Yoongi snorts. "Yeah, we go way back," he says. "In fact, once I read Guk's fortune at a party, and he cri--"
And if Jeongguk were any more whipped, he would absolutely let Taehyung hear all of his embarrassing stories.
Though Jeongguk nudges Yoongi in the side as a subtle thanks for not totally embarrassing him in front of the love of his life with the story about how he cried --
Not his most shining moment, for sure. (But it could be worse. Yoongi has too many embarrassing stories to tell even without the ability to see into the future.)
Yoongi hums, leaning against the display case. It's then that Jeongguk notices a bag of baguettes -- the ones Jimin likes -- tucked underneath his arm. Cute.
Jeongguk snorts. "I mean, all your fortunes sound like diss tracks," he says.
"Not my fault they can't handle the truth."
Yoongi laughs, his smile stretching into a genuine grin.
And Jeongguk sees Taehyung freeze, the smile gone from his face but replaced in an instant -- a shadow of its former self. "Oh, I dunno," he starts.
Seokjin elbows Taehyung in the side before throwing his arm over his shoulder and hugging him close.
Yoongi seems to consider the offer for a bit before he nods. "Deal."
And Yoongi nods. "Yeah. I can do palms for small stuff, tea leaves for divination and dream reading or whatever. But tarot's my most precise."
But that would probably be crossing a line.
And Taehyung smiles, all tight-lipped and nervous. "I'll keep that in mind."
Adjusting his glasses, Yoongi looks down at the deck. It stares back up at him and he rubs the tip of his tongue against his teeth in thought.
The energy of the room is heavy and charged and Jeongguk feels his gut turn.
Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Hell no," he says. "Your beatboxing is terrible, Jin."
And then Yoongi takes a deep breath and draws the first card.
The Cariot, reversed.
"You trying to walk before you can crawl.
"How the fuck are you gonna cope,
"With the reality that you'll lose it all?"
Jeongguk can't look away.
"From the pieces of your dreams.
"You're obsessed with success in a world without neither but whether
"You make it or not isn't quite what it seems."
"You need a team to take your dreams from schemes to success,
"And if it seems like you're going to scream then do it, let it out--"
"Because you're holding yourself back with all your stress.
"Your own prison from which you'll never breakout."
"But if you think you're trapped by the crap keeping you pinned in this mousetrap,
"Your next mishap will leave you unwrapped."
"And from the scraps of your failure you'll find your next road map,
"Gift-wrapped in the tears you'll spill when you snap."
"Obsession with success in this chess game called life,
"If I could guess this distress is causing nothing but strife,
"Pointless, exhausting, draining, but a necessity to grow--"
"So close your eyes, let it happen, and you'll find the answer, y'know?"
"This might not offset the cold sweat from these threats, I'll bet,
"But by the next moon, you're definitely gonna get your dick wet."
Jeongguk is the first to speak. "What."
What the fuck?
Because someone's going to hook up with Taehyung?
Is it him?
It has to be him?
What if it isn't him?
All of Yoongi's fortunes come true and what if it isn't him?
But Jeongguk can see a wetness in his eyes; can see the way he swallows hard, wets his lips, and then looks down at the spread of cards before him.
"Yeah," Yoongi finishes. And he's looking down at the cards too.
Maybe one day. When they're closer. Or dating.
Fate can suck it.
Fate's never met Jeon Jeongguk.
That night, Jeongguk comes home from work to find Yoongi in his kitchen, stirring a big, heaping pot of stew over the stove. Jimin is sitting on the counter, leaning against the cupboards and watching his boyfriend with the most sickeningly fond smile Jeongguk's ever seen.
When Jimin hums contentedly, Yoongi goes back to stirring.
"Yeah, after I heard Hoseok's been feeding Jimin nothing but ramen--"
"Anyway, I'm here to feed your sorry asses," Yoongi finishes.
More specifically, the part about getting his dick wet.
(Yeah, Jeongguk's shameless. But can you blame him?)
"No," Yoongi says as soon as Jeongguk leans against the counter next to him; as soon as he opens his mouth.
"I know what you're gonna ask, and the answer is no," Yoongi says.
Stupid fortune teller. Always knowing the future.
Next to him, Jimin perks up. "What's he gonna ask?" he asks.
Jimin swallows the sip with a happy sigh. "You read Taehyung's fortune?" he asks. "How was it?"
"Optimistic," Yoongi says. "He has a bright future ahead of him, but he's holding himself back."
Jimin laughs, all smug smiles and twinkling eyes. "Wow, such a knight in shining armor."
Jeongguk slaps Jimin's leg. "Shut up."
"Cards said Taehyung's gonna get laid soon," Yoongi says as he rifles through the cupboards looking for another ingredient for the stew.
"Oh my god," Jimin practically wheezes. "Oh my god, Jeonggukie, are you jealous?"
Yoongi shrugs.
"Did the cards show you who it was?"
Yoongi shakes his head. "Nope."
Especially Yoongi's.
Damn poker-faced bastard.
And Jeongguk feels his heart freeze in his chest. "No, don't!"
And as he storms out of the kitchen, he hears Jimin laughing again. "Go get your man!"
After a delicious dinner, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin curl up on the couch to watch a movie. And while Jeongguk would usually join them, he excuses himself to sit out on the balcony, watching the nighttime city lights sparkling towards the horizon, his notebook open on his lap.
Somewhere in the distance, he hears a dog bark, which sets off a chain reaction around their neighborhood.
jumping headfirst into the unknown?
is it bravery if i'm scared to take the first step?
if my heart stutters before i start?
perfection, flawless, glittering like gold.
is it the real deal, or just a layer of paint?
i'm scared.
too afraid to let people see the real me.
too afraid to let people see that i'm
stalling, stuck.
dull, half-baked, terrified.
a coward, gilded and glittering.
fool's gold.
And Jeongguk grunts. "Hey," he says.
Jeongguk's head snaps up. "I thought you said you didn't know."
And Yoongi only laughs.
Groaning, Jeongguk elbows him in the side. "You're the worst."
And Jeongguk sighs. "I've had writer's blocks before. But I can't get out of this one," he says. "No matter what I try to do."
Yoongi hums, glancing down at Jeongguk's notebook. And Jeongguk turns it toward him, so he can see what he wrote.
"It's rough."
"I mean, aren't all songs rough in the beginning?" Yoongi asks. "Sometimes, I'll be in my studio for weeks and all I've written is shit."
Because even the great Min Yoongi gets stuck, when every rap and song he's ever written is amazing?
Jeongguk hums.
Again, Jeongguk hums. "I think so."
And Jeongguk takes the notebook back, looking down at the lyrics staring back up at him. And in his heart, he feels just a little ray of hope.
And he smiles.
Yoongi rests his head on top of Jeongguk's. And Jeongguk feels so warm and so full in that moment, despite the evening chill seeping in through the heavy fabric of his shirt and sweats.
"No problem, Guk."
And Yoongi barks out an incredulous laugh. "Have you ever seen him at Seokjin's bakery?"
"I dunno," Jeongguk says. "I bet he's there all the time."
"I gotta keep him away," Jeongguk says, resolved.
"Holy shit, Guk, just get Taehyung's number. Please."
On Sunday, Jeongguk rolls into work with a bounce in his step. Because today he's determined to get Taehyung's phone number.
It's going to happen.
Screw fate.
Screw Yoongi's cards.
Still, the doubt is there, nestled in between his ribs, as Yoongi's fortune makes itself at home in the back of his mind.
"Where am I taking those?" Jeongguk asks.
"Kim's Bakery," Namjoon says.
Of course not.
He's a professional.
Jeongguk blinks. "Really?" he asks.
Jeongguk doesn't want to read too much into it. But it's hard not to, especially when he knows how expensive Namjoon's flowers are.
Meaning he'll have to stop by the shop.
Meaning they'll see each other.
And Namjoon's smile is knowing. "Of course."
Jeongguk packs the bouquet away in his backpack before he's off on his skateboard.
He's resolved to get Kim Taehyung's phone number today.
For sure.
He really, really wants to see Taehyung.
Jeongguk's eyes narrow as he takes in just how handsome said customer is. With his quaft dark hair and slender frame and expensive clothing.
The customer is still chatting -- going on and on about his job saving kittens or whatever -- but Taehyung's eyes are on Jeongguk, the corners of his lips twitching up in a subdued smile.
"Delivery," Jeongguk says a little too loudly over the relentless chatter of Taehyung's customer. He tries not to smirk when said man shuts up and turns to look.
Before he turns back towards the customer he was previously helping. "Will that be all?" he asks.
"Come back soon," Taehyung calls towards the door, though his eyes are still on Jeongguk.
Taehyung wets his lips as he wipes his hands off on his apron. "Another delivery for Seokjin?" he asks. "You weren't kidding about his admirers paying your rent."
Jeongguk feels his throat grow dry, his heart squeezing tight in his chest.
"I'm sure he will," Jeongguk says, hoping his smile isn't too knowing.
"No cookies today?" Jeongguk asks, looking up at Taehyung. Maybe this is a new recipe --
(It's not technically a lie.)
(Briefly he wonders if Jimin sold him out. But he knows Jimin likes Taehyung too much to do something that cruel.)
"I have something for you too," Jeongguk says, his smile confident while his heartbeat thunders in his chest.
Briefly, he hopes that his hands aren't sweating enough to soak the page.
"Yeah, my number," Jeongguk says, sliding the paper across the counter towards Taehyung. "Text me."
And Jeongguk's ears are bright red as well, burning hot as his heart rams up against his throat.
"Bye Jeonggukie," Taehyung manages to get out as Seokjin continues to ramble on and on about how long it takes to make souffles; about how much ingredients cost.
Jeongguk smiles the entire ride back to the flower shop. And for the rest of the day as well.
In fact, he's pretty sure he'll be smiling this wide for the rest of his life.
And if Jeongguk saves Taehyung's contact information as "Taetae" or "future husband" or "love of my life" in his phone followed by a thousand heart emojis, well -- that's his business.

"Wow, you're both so obvious," Jimin says, his chin resting on Taehyung's shoulder and his eyes glued to Taehyung's phone. Which is, of course, currently open on his last chat with Jeongguk.
"Obvious about what?" Taehyung mumbles, sending Jeongguk a cute sticker or five.
The look Jimin gives him is unamused.
The blush spreads from Taehyung's ears to his cheeks.
(Seokjin still hasn't let him live that down.)
(His life is a little bland, isn't it? He needs to get out more.)
But right now, Jimin is determined to tease the hell out of Taehyung's embarrassingly obvious crush on one Jeon Jeongguk.
"How?" Taehyung manages to choke out.
Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Jimin snaps a photo of Taehyung before he has time to react. And he huffs as he looks at the photo, flashing it at Taehyung.
When Taehyung hears the telltale sound of a message being sent, his heart freezes in his chest.
And Jimin just laughs, hard.
Because as soon as the photo's been taken, Jimin sends it off.
On Taehyung's phone.
Or the way he can't stop smiling for the rest of the day.
So he sends it to Jeongguk too.
(Just because.)
And instead focuses on the way his heart hammers up against his throat; the way his fingertips tingle and his smile grows.
let me know what you think!!